/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 loading_spinner.js 2016-06-15
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

jse.libs.loading_spinner = jse.libs.loading_spinner || {};

 * ## Loading Spinner Library
 * This library provides an easy and simple way to display a loading spinner inside any container
 * element to provide a smooth "loading" experience to the UI. If no container is specified then
 * the whole page will be taken for the display. The loading spinner comes from the Font Awesome
 * "fa-spinner" class. You can load this library as a dependency to existing modules.
 * The following usage example will show you how to display and hide the spinner inside an element.
 * ```javascript
 * // Create a selector variable for the target element.
 * var $targetElement = $('#my-div');
 * // The $targetElement will be overlayed by the spinner.
 * var $spinner = window.jse.libs.loading_spinner.show($targetElement);
 * // Do some stuff ...
 * // Hide the spinner when the job is done.
 * window.jse.loading_spinner.hide($spinner);
 * ```
 * @module JSE/Libs/loading_spinner
 * @exports jse.libs.loading_spinner
(function (exports) {

    'use strict';

     * Contains a list of the active spinners so that they can be validated
     * before they are destroyed.
     * @type {Array}
    const instances = [];

     * Show the loading spinner to the target element.
     * @param {jQuery} $targetElement (optional) The target element will be overlayed by the spinner. If no
     * argument is provided then the spinner will overlay the whole page.
     * @param {String} zIndex Optional ('auto'), give a specific z-index value to the loading spinner.
     * @return {jQuery} Returns the selector of the spinner div element. You can further manipulate the spinner
     * if required, but you have to provide this selector as a parameter to the "hide" method below.
    exports.show = function ($targetElement, zIndex = 'auto') {
        if ($targetElement !== undefined && typeof $targetElement !== 'object') {
            throw new Error('Invalid argument provided for the "show" method: ' + typeof $targetElement);

        if ($targetElement.length === 0) {
            return; // No element matches the provided selector. 

        $targetElement = $targetElement || $('body'); // set default value

        const $spinner = $('<div class="loading-spinner"></div>');
        const fontSize = 80;

            .html('<i class="fa fa-spinner fa-pulse"></i>')
                width: $targetElement.innerWidth() + 'px',
                height: $targetElement.innerHeight() + 'px',
                boxSizing: 'border-box',
                background: '#FFF',
                opacity: '0.8',
                position: 'absolute',
                top: $targetElement.offset().top,
                left: $targetElement.offset().left,
                fontSize: fontSize + 'px',
                color: '#002337', // primary color
                zIndex: zIndex

            position: 'absolute',
            left: $spinner.width() / 2 - fontSize / 2,
            top: $spinner.height() / 2 - fontSize / 2


        return $spinner;

     * Hide an existing spinner.
     * This method will hide and remove the loading spinner markup from the document entirely.
     * @param {jQuery} $spinner Must be the selector provided from the "show" method. If the selector
     * is invalid or no elements were found then an exception will be thrown.
     * @return {jQuery.Promise} Returns a promise object that will be resolved once the spinner is removed.
     * @throws Error If the $spinner selector was not found in the spinner instances.
    exports.hide = function ($spinner) {
        const index = instances.indexOf($spinner);
        const deferred = $.Deferred();

        if (index === -1) {
            throw new Error('The provided spinner instance does not exist.');

        instances.splice(index, 1);

        $spinner.fadeOut(400, function () {

        return deferred.promise();
