/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 modal.js 2016-02-23
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

/* globals Mustache */

jse.libs.modal = jse.libs.modal || {};

 * ## Modal Dialogs Library
 * This library handles jQuery UI and Bootstrap modals and it is quite useful when it comes to display
 * plain messages. Make sure to use the "showMessage" function only in pages where Bootstrap is loaded.
 * Notice: Some library methods are deprecated and will be removed with JSE v1.5.
 * Notice: Make sure that you load the require vendor files (Bootstrap or jQuery UI) before using this module.
 * ### Examples
 * **Display jQuery UI message.**
 * ```javascript
 * jse.libs.modal.message({
 *      title: 'My Title',      // Required
 *      content: 'My Content'   // Required
 *      buttons: { ... }        // Optional
 *      // Other jQueryUI Dialog Widget Options
 * });
 * ```
 * **Display Bootstrap message.**
 * ```javascript
 * jse.libs.modal.showMessage('Title', 'Content');
 * ```
 * @todo Refactor modal functionality, remove Mustache dependency and split jQuery UI and Bootstrap use.
 * @module JSE/Libs/modal
 * @exports jse.libs.modal
 * @requires jQueryUI
 * @requires Bootstrap
 * @requires Mustache
(function (exports) {

    'use strict';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Contains Default Modal Buttons
     * @type {Object}
    const buttons = {
        'yes': {
            'name': jse.core.lang.translate('yes', 'buttons'),
            'type': 'success'
        'no': {
            'name': jse.core.lang.translate('no', 'buttons'),
            'type': 'fail'
        'abort': {
            'name': jse.core.lang.translate('abort', 'buttons'),
            'type': 'fail'
        'ok': {
            'name': jse.core.lang.translate('ok', 'buttons'),
            'type': 'success'
        'close': {
            'name': jse.core.lang.translate('close', 'buttons'),
            'type': 'fail'

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Get Form Data
     * Returns all form data, which is stored inside the layer.
     * @param {object} $self jQuery selector of the layer.
     * @param {bool} validateForm Flag that determines whether the form must be validated
     * before we get the data.
     * @return {json} Returns a JSON with all form data.
     * @private
    var _getFormData = function ($self, validateForm) {
        var $forms = $self
            formData = {},
            promises = [];

        if ($forms.length) {
            $forms.each(function () {
                var $form = $(this);

                if (validateForm) {
                    var localDeferred = $.Deferred();
                    $form.trigger('validator.validate', {
                        'deferred': localDeferred

                var key = $form.attr('name') || $form.attr('id') || ('form_' + new Date().getTime() * Math.random());
                formData[key] = window.jse.lib.form.getData($form);

        return $.when
            .apply(undefined, promises)
            .then(function () {
                    return formData;
                function () {
                    return formData;

     * Reject Handler
     * @param {object} $element Selector element.
     * @param {object} deferred Deferred object.
     * @private
    var _rejectHandler = function ($element, deferred) {
        _getFormData($element).always(function (result) {

     * Resolve Handler
     * @param {object} $element Selector element.
     * @param {object} deferred Deferred object.
     * @private
    var _resolveHandler = function ($element, deferred) {
        _getFormData($element, true).done(function (result) {

     * Generate Buttons
     * Transforms the custom buttons object (which is incompatible with jQuery UI)
     * to a jQuery UI compatible format and returns it.
     * @param {object} dataset Custom buttons object for the dialog.
     * @param {object} deferred Deferred-object to resolve/reject on close.
     * @return {array} Returns a jQuery UI dialog compatible buttons array.
     * @private
    var _generateButtons = function (dataset, deferred) {
        var newButtons = [],
            tmpButton = null;

        // Check if buttons are available.
        if (dataset) {
            $.each(dataset, function (k, v) {

                // Setup a new button.
                tmpButton = {};
                tmpButton.text = v.name || 'BUTTON';

                // Setup click handler.
                tmpButton.click = function () {
                    var $self = $(this);

                    // If a callback is given, execute it with the current scope.
                    if (typeof v.callback === 'function') {
                        v.callback.apply($self, []);

                    // Add the default behaviour for the close  functionality. On fail,
                    // reject the deferred object, else resolve it.
                    switch (v.type) {
                        case 'fail':
                            _rejectHandler($self, deferred);
                        case 'success':
                            _resolveHandler($self, deferred);

                // Add to the new buttons array.


        return newButtons;

     * Get Template
     * This method will return a promise object that can be used to execute code,
     * once the template HTML of the modal is found.
     * @param {object} options Options to be applied to the template.
     * @return {object} Returns a deferred object.
     * @private
    var _getTemplate = function (options) {
        var $selection = [],
            deferred = $.Deferred();

        try {
            $selection = $(options.template);
        } catch (exception) {

        if ($selection.length) {
        } else {
                'url': options.template,
                'dataType': 'html'
            }).done(function (result) {
                if (options.storeTemplate) {
                    var $append = $('<div />')
                        .attr('id', options.template)
            }).fail(function () {

        return deferred;

     * Create Modal Layer
     * @param {object} options Extra modal options to be applied.
     * @param {string} title Modal title
     * @param {string} className Class name to be added to the modal element.
     * @param {object} defaultButtons Modal buttons for the layer.
     * @param {string} template Template name to be used for the modal.
     * @return {object} Returns a modal promise object.
     * @private
    var _createLayer = function (options, title, className, defaultButtons, template) {
        // Setup defaults & deferred objects.
        var deferred = $.Deferred(),
            promise = deferred.promise(),
            $template = '',
            defaults = {
                'title': title || '',
                'dialogClass': className || '',
                'modal': true,
                'resizable': false,
                'buttons': defaultButtons || [buttons.close],
                'draggable': false,
                'closeOnEscape': false,
                'autoOpen': false,
                'template': template || '#modal_alert',
                'storeTemplate': false,
                'closeX': true,
                'modalClose': false
            instance = null,
            $forms = null;

        // Merge custom settings with default settings
        options = options || {};
        options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
        options.buttons = _generateButtons(options.buttons, deferred);

        _getTemplate(options).done(function (html) {
            // Generate template
            $template = $(Mustache.render(html, options));

            if (options.validator) {
                    .attr('data-gx-widget', 'validator')
                        'data-validator-validate': options.validator.validate,
                        'data-validator-regex': options.validator.regex || ''

            // Setup dialog
            try {
                instance = $template.dialog('instance');
            } catch (exception) {
                instance = $template.data('ui-dialog');

            // Add bootstrap button classes to buttonSet.
                .addClass('btn btn-default');

            // If the closeX-option is set to false, remove the button from the layout
            // else bind an event listener to reject the deferred object.
            if (options.closeX === false) {
            } else {
                    .one('click', function () {
                        _rejectHandler(instance.element, deferred);

            // Add an event listener to the modal overlay if the option is set.
            if (options.modalClose) {
                    .one('click', function () {
                        _rejectHandler(instance.element, deferred);

            // Prevent submit on enter in inner forms
            $forms = instance.element.find('form');
            if ($forms.length) {
                $forms.on('submit', function (event) {

            if (options.executeCode && typeof options.executeCode === 'function') {

            // Add a close layer method to the promise.
            promise.close = function (fail) {
                if (fail) {
                    _rejectHandler(instance.element, deferred);
                } else {
                    _resolveHandler(instance.element, deferred);

            if (window.gx && window.jse.widgets && window.jse.widgets.init) {
        }).fail(function () {
                'error': 'Template not found'

        return promise;

     * Create a warning log for the deprecated method.
     * @param {String} method The method name to be included in the log.
     * @private
    function _logDeprecatedMethod(method) {
        jse.core.debug.warn(`Used deprecated modal method ${method} which will be removed in JSE v1.5.`);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Generates the default alert layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options
     * @param {string} title Default title for the type of alert layer
     * @param {string} className Default class for the type of alert layer
     * @param {array} defbuttons Array wih the default buttons for the array type
     * @param {string} template Selector for the jQuery-object used as template
     * @return {object} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.alert = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('hint', 'labels'), '', [buttons.ok]);

     * Returns a confirm layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {promise} Returns a promise
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.confirm = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('confirm', 'labels'), 'confirm_dialog',
            [buttons.no, buttons.yes]);

     * Returns a prompt layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {promise} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.prompt = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('prompt', 'labels'), 'prompt_dialog',
            [buttons.abort, buttons.ok], '#modal_prompt');

     * Returns a success layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {object} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.success = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('success', 'labels'), 'success_dialog');

     * Returns an error layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {object} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.error = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('error', 'labels'), 'error_dialog');

     * Returns a warning layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {object} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.warn = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('warning', 'labels'), 'warn_dialog');

     * Returns an info layer.
     * @param {object} options Mix of jQuery UI dialog options and custom options.
     * @return {promise} Returns a promise object.
     * @deprecated This method will be removed with JSE v1.5.
    exports.info = function (options) {

        var data = $.extend({}, {
            'draggable': true
        }, options);

        return _createLayer(data, jse.core.lang.translate('info', 'labels'), 'info_dialog');

     * Display jQuery UI message.
     * This method provides an easy way to display a message to the user by using jQuery UI dialog widget.
     * @param {Object} options Modal options are the same as the jQuery dialog widget.
    exports.message = function (options) {
        // Create div element for modal dialog.
        $('body').append('<div class="modal-layer">' + options.content + '</div>');

        // Append options object with extra dialog options.
        options.modal = true;
        options.dialogClass = 'gx-container';

        // Set default buttons, if option wasn't provided.
        if (options.buttons === undefined) {
            options.buttons = [
                    text: buttons.close.name,
                    click: function () {

        // Display message to the user.

     * Display Bootstrap modal message.
     * {@link http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#modals}
     * Example:
     * jse.libs.modal.showMessage('Title', 'Message', [
     *   {
     *     title: 'Send', // Button title 
     *     class: 'btn btn-primary send', // (optional) Add a custom button class. 
     *     callback: function(event) { ... } // (optional) Provide a click callback
     *   },
     *   {
     *     title: 'Close',
     *     closeModal: true // (optional)  Modal will be closed upon click.
     *   }
     * ]);
     * You can close the modal by using the Bootstrap API: $modal.modal('hide');
     * @param {String} title The message title.
     * @param {String} content The message content.
     * @param {Object[]} [buttons=null] Provide an array with objects which define the modal buttons.
     * @return {jQuery} Returns the modal selector.
    exports.showMessage = function (title, content, buttons = null) {
        // Generate the default close button definition. 
        if (!buttons) {
            buttons = [
                    title: jse.core.lang.translate('CLOSE', 'general'),
                    class: 'btn btn-default',
                    callback: event => $(event.currentTarget).parents('.modal').modal('hide')

        // Prepare the Bootstrap HTML markup. 
        const html = `<div class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
						<div class="modal-dialog">
							<div class="modal-content">
								<div class="modal-header">
									<button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close">
										<span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span>
									<h4 class="modal-title">${title}</h4>
								<div class="modal-body">
								<div class="modal-footer"></div>

        const $modal = $(html).appendTo('body');

        // Add the buttons to the modal. 
        buttons.forEach(button => {
            const $button = $('<button/>');
                .attr('class', button.class || 'btn btn-default');

            if (button.callback) {
                $button.on('click', button.callback);


        // Remove the modal element when its hidden. 
        $modal.on('hidden.bs.modal', () => $modal.remove());

        // Display the modal to the user.

        return $modal;
