/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 datatable_custom_pagination.js 2016-06-20
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Enable Custom DataTable Pagination
 * This method will bind the appropriate event handlers to the HTML markup of the "datatables_page_length.html"
 * and the "datatables_page_navigation.html" templates. This module will also set a page parameter to the URL
 * on page change but will not parse it upon initialization. This must happen from the module that initializes
 * the table.
 * ### Options
 * **Page Navigation Selector | `data-datatable_custom_pagination-page-navigation-selector` | String | Optional**
 * Provide a selector for the page navigation container element. This option defaults to ".page-navigation" which
 * is also the class of the datatable_page_navigation.html template.
 * **Page Length Selector | `data-datatable_custom_pagination-page-length-selector` | String | Optional**
 * Provide a selector for the page length container element. This option defaults to ".page-length" which
 * is also the class of the datatable_page_length.html template.
 * ### Events
 * ```javascript
 * // Add custom callback once the page is changed (DataTable "info" object contains the new page information).
 * $('#datatable-instance').on('datatable_custom_pagination:page_change', function(event, info) { ... });
 * // Add custom callback once the page length is changed (new page length is provided as second argument).
 * $('#datatable-instance').on('datatable_custom_pagination:length_change', function(event, newPageLength) { ... });
 * ```
 * @module Admin/Extensions/datatable_custom_pagination
gx.extensions.module('datatable_custom_pagination', [], function (data) {

    'use strict';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Module Selector
     * @type {jQuery}
    const $this = $(this);

     * Default Options
     * @type {Object}
    const defaults = {
        pageNavigationSelector: '.page-navigation',
        pageLengthSelector: '.page-length'

     * Final Options
     * @type {Object}
    const options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data);

     * Page Navigation Selector
     * @type {jQuery}
    const $pageNavigation = $this.find(options.pageNavigationSelector);

     * Page Length Selector
     * @type {jQuery}
    const $pageLength = $this.find(options.pageLengthSelector);

     * Module Instance
     * @type {Object}
    const module = {};

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Update Page Navigation Elements
     * Update the info text, set the correct button state and make sure the select box is up-to-date
     * with the current page.
    function _onDataTableDraw() {
        const info = $this.DataTable().page.info();
        const text = $this.DataTable().i18n('sInfo')
            .replace('_START_', info.end !== 0 ? ++info.start : info.start)
            .replace('_END_', info.end)
            .replace('_TOTAL_', info.recordsDisplay);

        // Check if one of the buttons is disabled.
        $pageNavigation.find('.next').prop('disabled', (info.page === (info.pages - 1) || info.pages === 0));
        $pageNavigation.find('.previous').prop('disabled', (info.page === 0));

        // Fill in the pagination select box.
        const $select = $pageNavigation.find('select');


        for (let i = 1; i <= info.pages; i++) {
            $select.append(new Option(`${i} ${jse.core.lang.translate('from', 'admin_labels')} ${info.pages}`, i));

        $select.val(info.page + 1);

        // Select the initial page length.

     * On Page Navigation Select Change Event
    function _onPageNavigationSelectChange() {
        // Change the table page.
        $this.DataTable().page(Number($(this).val()) - 1).draw(false);

        // Trigger Event
        const info = $this.DataTable().page.info();
        $this.trigger('datatable_custom_pagination:page_change', [info]);

     * On Page Navigation Button Click Event
    function _onPageNavigationButtonClick() {
        // Change the table page.
        const direction = $(this).hasClass('next') ? 'next' : 'previous';

        // Trigger Event
        const info = $this.DataTable().page.info();
        $this.trigger('datatable_custom_pagination:page_change', [info]);

     * On Page Length Select Change Event
    function _onPageLengthSelectChange() {
        const newPageLength = Number($pageLength.find('select').val());

        // Trigger Event
        $this.trigger('datatable_custom_pagination:length_change', [newPageLength]);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    module.init = function (done) {
            .on('draw.dt', _onDataTableDraw);

            .on('change', 'select', _onPageNavigationSelectChange)
            .on('click', 'button', _onPageNavigationButtonClick);

            .on('change', 'select', _onPageLengthSelectChange);


    return module;
