/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 datatable_custom_sorting.js 2016-06-20
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Enable Custom DataTable Sorting
 * DataTables will reset the table to the first page after sorting by default. As there is no way to override
 * this behavior, this module will remove the DataTable sorting event handlers and set its own, which will keep
 * the table to the current page. This module will also set a sort parameter to the URL on sorting change but will
 * not parse it during initialization. This must happen from the module that initializes the table.
 * Important: This method will remove the click event from the "th.sorting" elements, so bind extra "click" events
 * after enabling the custom-sorting extension (on init.dt event).
 * ### Events
 * ```javascript
 * // Add custom callback once the column sorting was changed (the "info" object contains the column index,
 * // column name and sort direction: {index, name, direction}).
 * $('#datatable-instance').on('datatable_custom_sorting:change', function(event, info) {...});
 * ```
 * @module Admin/Extensions/datatable_custom_sorting
gx.extensions.module('datatable_custom_sorting', [], function (data) {

    'use strict';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Module Selector
     * @type {jQuery}
    const $this = $(this);

     * Module Instance
     * @type {Object}
    const module = {};

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * On Table Header Cell Click
     * Perform the table sorting without changing the current page.
    function _onTableHeaderCellClick() {
        // Change Table Order
        const index = $(this).index();
        const destination = $(this).hasClass('sorting_asc') ? 'desc' : 'asc';

        $this.DataTable().order([index, destination]).draw(false);

        // Trigger Event
        const order = $this.DataTable().order()[0];
        const {columns} = $this.DataTable().init();
        const info = {
            index: order[0],
            name: columns[order[0]].name,
            direction: order[1]

        $this.trigger('datatable_custom_sorting:change', [info]);

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    module.init = function (done) {
        $this.on('preInit.dt', () => {
            $this.find('thead tr:first th.sorting')
                .on('click', _onTableHeaderCellClick);


    return module;
