/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 sortable.js 2016-09-13
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Sortable Extension
 * Uses jQuery UI's sortable plugin to realize sortable functionality. You can pass sortable options via
 * data attributes.
 * ### Options
 * **URL | data-sortable-handle | String | Optional**
 * The destination URL to be used after the user clicks on the element.
 * ### Example
 * ```html
 * <div data-gx-extension="sortable" data-sortable-handle=".drag-handle">
 *   <img src="handle.jpg" class="drag-handle" />
 * </div>
 * ```
 * This extension is based in the jQuery UI sortable interaction utility:
 * {@link http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable}
 * @module Admin/Extensions/sortable
 * @requires jQueryUI


    function (data) {

        'use strict';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // VARIABLES
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

        // Widget element.
        const $this = $(this);

        // Default widget options (Sortable options).
        const defaults = {
            revert: true,
            containment: 'parent'

        // Widget options.
        const options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data);

        // Module instance.
        const module = {};

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Initialize method of the widget, called by the engine.
        module.init = done => {
            // Enable sortable.

            // Finish initialization.

        return module;