/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 view_change.js 2016-06-01
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## View Change Extension
 * Use this extension to show or hide elements depending the state of a input-checkbox element. The extension
 * needs to be bound directly on the checkbox element. It requires two jQuery selector parameters that point
 * the elements that will be displayed when the checkbox is checked and when it isn't.
 * ### Options
 * **On State Selector | `data-view_change-on` | String | Required**
 * Define a jQuery selector that selects the elements to be displayed when the checkbox is checked.
 * **Off State Selector | `data-view_change-off` | String | Required**
 * Define a jQuery selector that selects the elements to be displayed when the checkbox is unchecked (required).
 * **Closest Parent Selector | `data-view_change-closest` | String | Optional**
 * Use this jQuery selector to specify which "closest" element will be the parent of the element search. This
 * option can be useful for shrinking the search scope within a single parent container and not the whole page
 * body.
 * ### Example
 * In the following example only the labels that reside inside the div.container element will be affected by the
 * checkbox state. The label outside the container will always be visible.
 * ```html
 * <div class="container">
 *   <input type="checkbox" data-gx-extension="view_change"
 *     data-view_change-on=".label-primary"
 *     data-view_change-off=".label-secondary"
 *     data-view_change-closest=".container" />
 *   <label class="label-primary">Test Label - Primary</label>
 *   <label class="label-secondary">Test Label - Secondary</label>
 * </div>
 * <label class="label-primary">Test Label - Primary</label>
 * ```
 * @module Admin/Extensions/view_change


    function (data) {

        'use strict';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

             * Extension Reference
             * @type {object}
            $this = $(this),

             * Parent Selector (default body)
             * @type {object}
            $parent = $('body'),

             * Default Options for Extension
             * @type {object}
            defaults = {
                // @todo Rename this option to activeSelector
                on: null, // Selector for the elements that are shown if the checkbox is set
                // @todo Rename this option to inactiveSelector
                off: null, // Selector for the elements that are shown if the checkbox is not set
                // @todo Rename this option to parentSelector
                closest: null // Got to the closest X-element and search inside it for the views

             * Final Extension Options
             * @type {object}
            options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data),

             * Module Object
             * @type {object}
            module = {};

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Shows or hides elements corresponding to the checkbox state.
        var _changeHandler = function () {
            if ($this.prop('checked')) {
                $this.attr('checked', 'checked');
            } else {


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Initialize method of the extension, called by the engine.
        module.init = function (done) {
            if (options.closest) {
                $parent = $this.closest(options.closest);
            $this.on('change checkbox:change', _changeHandler);


        // Return data to module engine.
        return module;