/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 invoices_overview_columns.js 2019-02-26
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

jse.libs.invoices_overview_columns = jse.libs.invoices_overview_columns || {};

 * ## Invoices Table Column Definitions
 * This module defines the column definition of the invoices overview table. They can be overridden by other
 * scripts by modifying the array with new columns, or by replacing the property values of the contained
 * fields.
 * @module Admin/Libs/invoices_overview_columns
 * @exports jse.libs.invoices_overview_columns
(function (exports) {

    'use strict';

    exports.checkbox = exports.checkbox || {
        data: null,
        minWidth: '50px',
        widthFactor: 0.01,
        orderable: false,
        searchable: false,
        defaultContent: '<input type="checkbox" />'

    exports.invoiceNumber = exports.invoiceNumber || {
        data: 'invoiceNumber',
        minWidth: '130px',
        widthFactor: 1.6,
        className: 'numeric',
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            // Create a link element.
            const link = document.createElement('a');

            // Invoice link parameters.
            const parameters = {
                module: 'OrderAdmin',
                action: 'showPdf',
                type: 'invoice',
                invoice_id: full.DT_RowData.invoiceId

            // Compound invoice link.
            const url = `${jse.core.config.get('appUrl')}/admin/request_port.php?${$.param(parameters)}`;

            // Set element's link attribute.
            link.setAttribute('href', url);
            link.setAttribute('target', '_blank');
            link.setAttribute('title', data);

            // Set element's text content.
            link.textContent = data;

            // Return element's entire HTML.
            return link.outerHTML;

    exports.invoiceDate = exports.invoiceDate || {
        data: 'invoiceDate',
        minWidth: '100px',
        widthFactor: 1.6,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return moment(data).format('DD.MM.YY - HH:mm')

    exports.sum = exports.sum || {
        data: 'sum',
        minWidth: '90px',
        widthFactor: 1,
        className: 'numeric',
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return `<span class="tooltip-invoice-sum-block">${data}</span>`;

    exports.customer = exports.customer || {
        data: 'customer',
        minWidth: '190px',
        widthFactor: 1.5,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            let linkElement = full.DT_RowData.customerId
                ? `<a class="tooltip-customer-addresses" 
                : `<span class="tooltip-customer-addresses">${data}</span>`;

            if (full.DT_RowData.customerMemos.length > 0) {
                linkElement +=
                    ` <i class="fa fa-sticky-note-o tooltip-customer-memos tooltip-trigger"

            return linkElement;

    exports.group = exports.group || {
        data: 'group',
        minWidth: '85px',
        widthFactor: 1.2

    exports.countryIsoCode = exports.countryIsoCode || {
        data: 'countryIsoCode',
        minWidth: '75px',
        widthFactor: 1.4,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            let html = '';

            if (data) {
                html =
                    `<span class="flag-icon flag-icon-${data.toLowerCase()}"></span>&nbsp;`;

            const title = jse.core.lang.translate('SHIPPING_ORIGIN_COUNTRY_TITLE', 'configuration')
                + ': ' + full.DT_RowData.country;

            html += `<span title="${title}">${data}</span>`;

            return html;

    exports.orderId = exports.orderId || {
        data: 'orderId',
        minWidth: '75px',
        widthFactor: 1,
        className: 'numeric',
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            if (data === 0) {
                return '';

            // Create a link element.
            const $link = document.createElement('a');

            // URL parameters.
            const parameters = {
                oID: data,
                action: 'edit'

            // Compound order link.
            const url = `${jse.core.config.get('appUrl')}/admin/orders.php?${$.param(parameters)}`;

            // Set element's link attribute.
            $link.setAttribute('href', url);

            // Set element's text content.
            $link.textContent = data;

            // Return element's entire HTML.
            return $link.outerHTML;

    exports.orderDate = exports.orderDate || {
        data: 'orderDate',
        minWidth: '100px',
        widthFactor: 1.6,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return moment(data).format('DD.MM.YY - HH:mm')

    exports.paymentMethod = exports.paymentMethod || {
        data: 'paymentMethod',
        minWidth: '110px',
        widthFactor: 2,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return `<span title="${full.DT_RowData.paymentMethod}">${data}</span>`

    exports.status = exports.status || {
        data: 'status',
        minWidth: '120px',
        widthFactor: 2,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return !data ? '' : `
					<span class="order-status tooltip-invoice-status-history label label-${full.DT_RowData.statusId}">

    exports.actions = exports.actions || {
        data: null,
        minWidth: '400px',
        widthFactor: 4.6,
        className: 'actions',
        orderable: false,
        searchable: false,
        render(data, type, full, meta) {
            return `					
					<div class="pull-left"></div>
					<div class="pull-right action-list visible-on-hover">
						<a href="request_port.php?module=OrderAdmin&action=showPdf&type=invoice`
                + `&invoice_number=${full.DT_RowData.invoiceNumber}&order_id=${full.DT_RowData.orderId}" 
							<i class="fa fa-eye view"></i>
						<a href="request_port.php?module=OrderAdmin&action=downloadPdf&type=invoice`
                + `&invoice_number=${full.DT_RowData.invoiceNumber}&order_id=${full.DT_RowData.orderId}" 
							<i class="fa fa-download download"></i>
						<i class="fa fa-envelope-o email-invoice"></i>
						<div class="btn-group dropdown">
							<button type="button"
									class="btn btn-default"></button>
							<button type="button"
									class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle"
								<span class="caret"></span>
								<span class="sr-only">Toggle Dropdown</span>
							<ul class="dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right"></ul>