/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 button_dropdown.js 2016-07-15
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Button Dropdown Widget
 * Adds the dropdown functionality to multiple elements inside a parent container. You can add new HTML
 * options to each dropdown instance manually or dynamically through the Admin/Libs/button_dropdown library.
 * Optionally, the widget has also the ability to store the last clicked option and display it as the default
 * action the next time the page is loaded. This is very useful whenever there are many options inside the
 * dropdown list.
 * ### Parent Container Options
 * **Configuration Keys | `data-button_dropdown-config_keys` | String | Optional**
 * Provide a unique key which will be used to store the latest user selection. Prefer to prefix your config key
 * in order to avoid collisions with other instances of the widget.
 * **User ID | `data-button_dropdown-user_id` | Number | Optional**
 * Give the current user database ID that will be used to associate his latest selection with the corresponding
 * button dropdown widget.
 * ### Widget Instance Options
 * **Use Button Dropdown | `data-use-button_dropdown` | Boolean | Required**
 * This option-flag will mark the elements inside the parent container, that will be converted into
 * button-dropdown widgets.
 * **Configuration Key | `data-config_key` | String | Required**
 * Provide the configuration key for the single button-dropdown instance.
 * **Configuration Value | `data-config_key` | String | Optional**
 * Provide directly the configuration value in order to avoid extra AJAX requests.
 * **Custom Caret Button Class | `data-custom_caret_btn_class` | String | Optional**
 * Attach additional classes to the caret button element (the one with the arrow). Use this option if you
 * want to add a class that the primary button already has so that both share the same style (e.g. btn-primary).
 * Change buttons disable attribute value by adding option `data-button_dropdown-disabled_state` on parent element
 * ### Example
 * ```html
 * <!-- This element represents the parent container. -->
 * <div
 *   data-gx-widget="button_dropdown"
 *   data-button_dropdown-config_keys="order-single order-multi"
 *   data-button_dropdown-user_id="2">
 *   <!-- This element represents the button dropdown widget. -->
 *   <div
 *       data-use-button_dropdown="true"
 *       data-config_key="order-single"
 *       data-custom_caret_btn_class="class1">
 *     <button>Primary Button</button>
 *     <ul>
 *       <li><span>Change status</span></li>
 *       <li><span>Delete</span></li>
 *     </ul>
 *   </div>
 * </div>
 * ```
 * **Notice:** This widget was built for usage in compatibility mode. The new admin pages use the Bootstrap
 * button dropdown markup which already functions like this module. Do not use it on new admin pages.
 * @module Admin/Widgets/button_dropdown


    function (data) {

        'use strict';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

             * Widget Reference
             * @type {object}
            $this = $(this),

             * UserConfigurationService alias.
             * @type {object}
            userConfigurationService = jse.libs.user_configuration_service,

             * Caret button template.
             * @type {string}
            caretButtonTemplate = '<button class="btn" type="button"><i class="fa fa-caret-down"></i></button>',

             * Default Widget Options
             * @type {object}
            defaults = {
                 * Fade animation options.
                 * @type {object}
                fade: {
                    duration: 300,
                    easing: 'swing'

                 * String for dropdown selector.
                 * This selector is used to find and activate all button dropdowns.
                 * @type {string}
                dropdown_selector: '[data-use-button_dropdown]',

                 * Attribute which represents the user configuration value.
                 * The value of this attribute will be set.
                 * @type {string}
                config_value_attribute: 'data-configuration_value',
                 * Used to disable buttons if needed
                 * @type {bool}
                disabled_state: false

             * Final Widget Options
             * @type {object}
            options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data),

             * Element selector shortcuts.
             * @type {object}
            selectors = {
                element: options.dropdown_selector,
                mainButton: 'button:nth-child(1)',
                caretButton: 'button:nth-child(2)'

             * Module Object
             * @type {object}
            module = {};

         * Split space-separated entries to array values.
         * @type {array}
        options.config_keys = options.config_keys ? options.config_keys.split(' ') : [];

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Loads the user configuration values for each provided key.
         * Returns a Deferred object with an object with configuration
         * as key and respective values or null if no request conditions are set.
         * @returns {jQuery.Deferred}
         * @private
        var _loadConfigurations = function () {

             * Main deferred object which will be returned.
             * @type {jQuery.Deferred}
            var deferred = $.Deferred();

             * This array will contain all deferred ajax request to the user configuration service.
             * @example
             *      [Deferred, Deferred]
             * @type {array}
            var configDeferreds = [];

             * User configuration key and values storage.
             * @example
             *      {
             *          configKey: 'configValue'
             *      }
             * @type {object}
            var configValues = {};

            // Return immediately if the user configuration service is not needed.
            if (!options.user_id || !options.config_keys.length) {
                return deferred.resolve(null);

            // Iterate over each configuration value provided in the element
            $.each(options.config_keys, function (index, configKey) {
                // Create deferred object for configuration value fetch.
                var configDeferred = $.Deferred();

                // Fetch configuration value from service.
                // Adds the fetched value to the `configValues` object and resolves the promise.
                    data: {
                        userId: options.user_id,
                        configurationKey: configKey
                    onSuccess: function (response) {
                        configValues[configKey] = response.configurationValue;
                    onError: function () {


            // If all requests for the configuration values has been processed
            // then the main promise will be resolved with all configuration values as given parameter.
            $.when.apply(null, configDeferreds).done(function () {

            // Return deferred object.
            return deferred;

         * Finds all dropdown elements.
         * Returns a deferred object with an element list object.
         * This function hides the dropdown elements.
         * @return {jQuery.Deferred}
         * @private
        var _findDropdownElements = function () {
             * Deferred object which will be returned.
             * @type {jQuery.Deferred}
            var deferred = $.Deferred();

             * Elements with element and data attribute informations.
             * @example
             *      [{
             *          element: <div>,
             *          custom_caret_btn_class: 'btn-primary'
             *          configKey: 'orderMultiSelect'
             *      }]
             * @type {array}
            var elements = [];

             * Array of data attributes for the dropdown elements which will be checked.
             * @type {array}
            var dataAttributes = ['custom_caret_btn_class', 'config_key', 'config_value'];

            // Find dropdown elements when DOM is ready
            // and resolve promise passing found elements as parameter.
            $(document).ready(function () {
                $this.find(options.dropdown_selector).each(function (index, element) {
                     * jQuery wrapped element shortcut.
                     * @type {jQuery}
                    var $element = $(element);

                     * Element info object.
                     * Will be pushed to `elements` array.
                     * @example
                     *      {
                     *          element: <div>,
                     *          custom_caret_btn_class: 'btn-primary'
                     *          configKey: 'orderMultiSelect'
                     *      }
                     * @type {object}
                    var elementObject = {};

                    // Add element to element info object.
                    elementObject.element = element;

                    // Iterate over each data attribute key and check for data attribute existence.
                    // If data-attribute exists, the key and value will be added to element info object.
                    $.each(dataAttributes, function (index, attribute) {
                        if (attribute in $element.data()) {
                            elementObject[attribute] = $element.data(attribute);

                    // Push this element info object to `elements` array.

                    // Hide element

                // Resolve the promise passing in the elements as argument.

            // Return deferred object.
            return deferred;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Shows dropdown action list.
         * @param {HTMLElement} element Dropdown action list element.
         * @private
        var _showDropdown = function (element) {
            // Perform fade in.

            // Fix position.

         * Hides dropdown action list.
         * @param {HTMLElement} element Dropdown action list element.
         * @private
        var _hideDropdown = function (element) {
            // Perform fade out.

         * Fixes the dropdown action list to ensure that the action list is always visible.
         * Sometimes when the button dropdown widget is near the window borders the list might
         * not be visible. This function will change its position in order to always be visible.
         * @param {HTMLElement} element Dropdown action list element.
         * @private
        var _repositionDropdown = function (element) {
            // Wrap element in jQuery and save shortcut to dropdown action list element.
            var $list = $(element);

            // Reference to button element.
            var $button = $list.closest(options.dropdown_selector);

            // Reset any possible CSS position modifications.
            $list.css({left: '', top: ''});

            // Check dropdown position and perform reposition if needed.
            if ($list.offset().left + $list.width() > window.innerWidth) {
                var toMoveLeftPixels = $list.width() - $button.width();
                $list.css('margin-left', '-' + (toMoveLeftPixels) + 'px');

            if ($list.offset().top + $list.height() > window.innerHeight) {
                var toMoveUpPixels = $list.height() + 10; // 10px fine-tuning
                $list.css('margin-top', '-' + (toMoveUpPixels) + 'px');

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Handles click events on the main button (action button).
         * Performs main button action.
         * @param {jQuery.Event} event
         * @private
        var _mainButtonClickHandler = function (event) {


         * Handles click events on the dropdown button (caret button).
         * Shows or hides the dropdown action list.
         * @param {jQuery.Event} event
         * @private
        var _caretButtonClickHandler = function (event) {

             * Shortcut reference to dropdown action list element.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $list = $(this).siblings('ul');

             * Determines whether the dropdown action list is visible.
             * @type {boolean}
            var listIsVisible = $list.hasClass('hover');

            // Hide or show dropdown, dependent on its visibility state.
            if (listIsVisible) {
            } else {

         * Handles click events on the dropdown action list.
         * Hides the dropdown, saves the chosen value through
         * the user configuration service and perform the selected action.
         * @param {jQuery.Event} event
         * @private
        var _listItemClickHandler = function (event) {

             * Reference to `this` element, wrapped in jQuery.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $self = $(this);

             * Reference to dropdown action list element.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $list = $self.closest('ul');

             * Reference to button dropdown element.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $button = $self.closest(options.dropdown_selector);

            // Hide dropdown.

            // Save user configuration data.
            var configKey = $button.data('config_key'),
                configValue = $self.data('value');

            if (configKey && configValue) {
                _saveUserConfiguration(configKey, configValue);

            // Perform action.

         * Handles click events outside of the button area.
         * Hides multiple opened dropdowns.
         * @param {jQuery.Event} event
         * @private
        var _outsideClickHandler = function (event) {
             * Element shortcut to all opened dropdown action lists.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $list = $('ul.hover');

            // Hide all opened dropdowns.

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Adds the dropdown functionality to the buttons.
         * Developers can manually add new `<li>` items to the list in order to display more options
         * to the users.
         * This function fades the dropdown elements in.
         * @param {array} elements List of elements infos object which contains the element itself and data attributes.
         * @param {object} configuration Object with fetched configuration key and values.
         * @return {jQuery.Deferred}
         * @private
        var _makeWidgets = function (elements, configuration) {

             * Deferred object which will be returned.
             * @type {jQuery.Deferred}
            var deferred = $.Deferred();

             * The secondary button which will toggle the list visibility.
             * @type {jQuery}
            var $secondaryButton = $(caretButtonTemplate);

            // Iterate over each element and create dropdown widget.
            $.each(elements, function (index, elementObject) {
                 * Button dropdown element.
                 * @type {jQuery}
                var $element = $(elementObject.element);

                 * Button dropdown element's buttons.
                 * @type {jQuery}
                var $button = $element.find('button:first');

                 * Cloned caret button template.
                 * @type {jQuery}
                var $caretButton = $secondaryButton.clone();

                // Add custom class to template, if defined.
                if (elementObject.custom_caret_btn_class) {

                // Add CSS class to button and place the caret button.

                // Add class to dropdown button element.

                // Add configuration value to container, if key and value exist.
                if (configuration && elementObject.config_key && configuration[elementObject.config_key] || elementObject.config_value) {
                    var value = elementObject.config_value || configuration[elementObject.config_key];
                    $element.attr(options.config_value_attribute, value);

                // add disabled state if exists
                $button.prop('disabled', options.disabled_state);
                $caretButton.prop('disabled', options.disabled_state);
                // Attach event handler: Click on first button (main action button).
                $element.on('click', selectors.mainButton, _mainButtonClickHandler);

                // Attach event handler: Click on dropdown button (caret button).
                $element.on('click', selectors.caretButton, _caretButtonClickHandler);

                // Attach event handler: Click on dropdown action list item.
                $element.on('click', 'ul span, ul a', _listItemClickHandler);

                // Fade in element.
                $element.fadeIn(options.fade.duration, function () {
                    $element.css('display', '');

            // Attach event handler: Close dropdown on outside click.
            $(document).on('click', _outsideClickHandler);

            // Resolve promise.

            // Return deferred object.
            return deferred;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Saves a user configuration value.
         * @param {string} key Configuration key.
         * @param {string} value Configuration value.
         * @private
        var _saveUserConfiguration = function (key, value) {
            // Throw error if no complete data has been provided.
            if (!key || !value) {
                throw new Error('No configuration data passed');

            // Save value to database via user configuration service.
                data: {
                    userId: options.user_id,
                    configurationKey: key,
                    configurationValue: value

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Initialize method of the module, called by the engine.
        module.init = function (done) {
            $.when(_findDropdownElements(), _loadConfigurations())

        // Return data to module engine.
        return module;