/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 checkbox.js 2016-06-01
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Checkbox Widget
 * This extension can serve multiple types of checkboxes (simple switchers, text switchers and gambio-styled
 * checkboxes, radio-button switcher). Apply the widget in a parent container and it will search and convert
 * all the instances into fine checkboxes
 * ### Options
 * **Filter | `data-checkbox-filter` | String | Optional**
 * Provide a jQuery selector string for filtering the children elements of the parent container.
 * **Checked State URL | `data-checkbox-on_url` | String | Optional**
 * If provided the user will be navigated to the given URL once he clicks a checked instance of the widget.
 * **Unchecked State URL | `dat-acheckbox-off_url` | String | Optional**
 * If provided the user will be navigated ot the given URL once he clicks an unchecked instance of the widget.
 * **Checked State Text | `data-checkbox-on_text` | String | Optional**
 * If provided it will be displayed instead of the normal check icon.
 * **Unchecked State Text | `data-checkbox-off_text` | String | Optional**
 * If provided it will be displayed instead of the normal X icon.
 * **Custom Checkbox Class | `data-checkbox-class` | String | Optional**
 * Provide additional custom classes to the checkbox element.
 * **Check Status | `data-checkbox-check` | Boolean | Optional**
 * Defines whether the checkbox is checked or not. Use this option to override the original checkbox state.
 * ### Examples
 * **Single Checkbox Example**
 * A single checkbox is just a better styled checkbox that can be used for seamless integration into the
 * Gambio Admin pages.
 * ```html
 * <label for="my-checkbox">Single Checkbox (checked)</label>
 * <input type="checkbox" id="my-checkbox" title="Single Checkbox" data-single_checkbox checked />
 * ```
 * **Switcher Checkbox**
 * Displays a nice mobile-like switcher that is bound on the original checkbox. That means that any change done
 * on the switcher will affect the original checkbox element.
 * ```html
 * <label for="my-checkbox">Receive Notifications</label>
 * <input type="checkbox" id="my-checkbox" title="Receive Notifications" />
 * ```
 * **Radio Checkbox**
 * The checkbox widget can also serve cases with two radio buttons that define a yes or no use case. Consider
 * the following example where the first radio element contains the "activate" and the second "deactivate" status.
 * ```html
 * <input type="radio" name="status" value="1" title="Activated" checked />
 * <input type="radio" name="status" value="0" title="Deactivated" />
 * ```
 * **URL Switcher**
 * If you need to change the status of something by navigating the user to a specific url use the "on_url"
 * and "off_url" options which will forward the user to the required URL.
 * ```html
 * <div data-gx-widget="checkbox"
 *   data-checkbox-checked="true"
 *   data-checkbox-on_url="#installed"
 *   data-checkbox-off_url="#uninstalled"
 *   data-checkbox-on_label="Installed"
 *   data-checkbox-off_label="Uninstalled"
 *   data-checkbox-class="labeled"></div>
 * ```
 * **Notice:** This widget was highly modified for use in compatibility pages. It's complexity and performance
 * are not optimal anymore. Use the single_checkbox and switcher widgets instead.
 * @module Admin/Widgets/checkbox


    function (data) {

        'use strict';

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

             * Widget Reference
             * @type {object}
            $this = $(this),

             * Default Options for Widget
             * @type {object}
            defaults = {
                'filter': '', // Only select checkboxes with the following selector

                // Url Switcher Options:
                'on_url': '', // Open url when switcher is turned on
                'off_url': '', // Open url when switcher is turned off
                'on_label': '', // Text shown on the switcher when turned on
                'off_label': '', // Text shown on the switcher when turned off
                'on_text': '', // Text shown next to the switcher when turned on
                'off_text': '', // Text shown next to the switcher when turned off
                'class': '', // Add class(es) to the on and off switcher
                'checked': false // Initial status of the switcher: true = on, false = off

             * Status of mouse down event
             * @type {boolean}
            mouseDown = false,

             * Final Widget Options
             * @type {object}
            options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data),

             * Module Object
             * @type {object}
            module = {};

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Change the styling of the new switcher depending on the original checkbox/radio box setting
         * Additionally set the new state of the original checkbox/radio box and trigger the change event on it.
         * @private
        var _switcherChangeHandler = function (event) {
            if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
                return false;

            var $self = $(this),
                $checkbox = $self.find('input:checkbox'),
                $onElement = $self.find('input:radio').first(),
                $offElement = $self.find('input:radio').last(),
                $select = $self.find('select').first(),
                dataset = $self.parent().data('checkbox');



                .prop('checked', $self.hasClass('checked')).trigger('checkbox:change');

                .prop('checked', $self.hasClass('checked'));

                .prop('checked', !$self.hasClass('checked'));


            var selectOptionToSelect = $self.hasClass('checked') ? 1 : 0;

                .find('option[value="' + selectOptionToSelect + '"]')
                .attr('selected', true);

            if (options.on_url !== '' && options.off_url !== '') {

                if (options.checked) {
                    window.location.href = options.off_url;
                    options.checked = false;

                    return false;

                window.location.href = options.on_url;
                options.checked = true;


         * Change the styling of the new checkbox depending on the original checkbox setting
         * Additionally set the new state of the original checkbox and trigger the change event on it.
         * @private
        var _checkboxChangeHandler = function () {
            if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
                return false;

            mouseDown = true;

         * Imitate mouse up behaviour of the checkbox
         * @private
        var _checkboxMouseUpHandler = function () {
            if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
                return false;

            mouseDown = false;

        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Wrap the checkboxes and generate markup for the new checkbox style.
         * @private
        var _initCheckboxes = function ($target) {

            var $container = $target || $this;

                .filter(options.filter || '*')
                .each(function () {
                    var $self = $(this),
                        dataset = jse.libs.fallback._data($self, 'checkbox'),
                        className = dataset.className || '',
                        title = $self.prop('title'),
                        isChecked = ($self.prop('checked')) ? 'checked' : '',
                        isDisabled = ($self.prop('disabled')) ? 'disabled' : '';

                    if (typeof $self.data('single_checkbox') !== 'undefined') {
                                'position': 'absolute',
                                'left': '-100000px'
                            .wrap('<span class="single-checkbox ' + isChecked + ' ' + isDisabled + '" title="' +
                                title + '"></span>')
                            .append('<i class="fa fa-check"></i>');

                        $self.on('focus', function () {

                        $self.on('blur', function () {

                        $self.on('change', function () {
                            if (mouseDown === false) {

                    } else {
                        var onText = ($self.attr('data-checkbox-on_text')) ? $self.attr('data-checkbox-on_text') :
                            '<span class="fa fa-check"></span>';

                        var offText = ($self.attr('data-checkbox-on_text')) ? $self.attr('data-checkbox-off_text') :
                            '<span class="fa fa-times"></span>';

                            .wrap('<div class="switcher ' + isChecked + ' ' + isDisabled + '" title="' + title +
                            .data('checkbox', dataset)
                            .append('<div class="switcher-toggler"></div>' + '<div class="switcher-inner">' +
                                '<div class="switcher-state-on">' + onText + '</div>' +
                                '<div class="switcher-state-off">' + offText + '</div>' + '</div>' +
                                '<div class="switcher-text-on">' + options.on_text + '</div>' +
                                '<div class="switcher-text-off">' + options.off_text +

         * Wrap the radio boxes and generate markup for the new checkbox style.
         * @private
        var _initRadioOptions = function () {
            if ($this.find('input:radio').filter(options.filter || '*').length === 2) {
                var $onElement = $this.find('input:radio').filter(options.filter || '*').first(),
                    onTitle = $onElement.prop('title'),
                    $offElement = $this.find('input:radio').filter(options.filter || '*').last(),
                    offTitle = $offElement.prop('title'),
                    onLabel = (options.on_label !== '') ? ' data-checkbox-label="' + options.on_label + '"' : '',
                    offLabel = (options.off_label !== '') ? ' data-checkbox-label="' + options.off_label + '"' :
                    dataset = options,
                    isChecked = ($onElement.prop('checked')) ? 'checked' : '',
                    isDisabled = ($onElement.prop('disabled')) ? 'disabled' : '';

                var $switcher = $('<div class="switcher ' + isChecked + ' ' + isDisabled + '"></div>');



                    .data('checkbox', dataset)
                    .append('<div class="switcher-toggler"></div>' + '<div class="switcher-inner">' +
                        '<div class="switcher-state-on" title="' + onTitle + '"' + onLabel +
                        '><span class="fa fa-check"></span></div>' +
                        '<div class="switcher-state-off" title="' + offTitle + '"' + offLabel +
                        '><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div>' + '<div class="switcher-text-on">'
                        + options.on_text +
                        '</div>' +
                        '<div class="switcher-text-off">' + options.off_text + '</div>' + '</div>'

                // toggle switcher if hidden radio option status changes (there is no default case for that)
                $onElement.on('change', function () {

                // toggle switcher if hidden radio option status changes (there is no default case for that)
                $offElement.on('change', function () {


         * build markup for the url switcher
         * @private
        var _initUrlSwitcher = function () {
            if (options.on_url !== '' && options.off_url !== '') {
                var dataset = jse.libs.fallback._data($this, 'checkbox'),
                    onLabel = (options.on_label !== '') ? ' data-checkbox-label="' + options.on_label + '"' : '',
                    offLabel = (options.off_label !== '') ? ' data-checkbox-label="' + options.off_label + '"' :
                    isChecked = (options.checked) ? 'checked' : '';

                    .data('checkbox', dataset)
                    .append('<div class="switcher-toggler"></div>' + '<div class="switcher-inner">' +
                        '<div class="switcher-state-on" title="' + options.off_url + '"' + onLabel +
                        '><span class="fa fa-check"></span></div>' + '<div class="switcher-state-off" title="' +
                        options.on_url + '"' +
                        offLabel + '><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div>' + '</div>'
                    .on('click', _switcherChangeHandler);

         * Bind events that change the checkbox or switcher
         * @private
        var _initEventHandlers = function () {
            $this.on('click', '.switcher', _switcherChangeHandler);

            $this.off('mousedown', '.single-checkbox');
            $this.on('mousedown', '.single-checkbox', _checkboxChangeHandler);
            $this.off('mouseup', '.single-checkbox');
            $this.on('mouseup', '.single-checkbox', _checkboxMouseUpHandler);

            $this.on('mousedown', 'label', function () {
                mouseDown = true;

            $this.on('mouseup', 'label', function () {
                mouseDown = false;

            $this.on('FORM_UPDATE', function (e) {
                var $target = $(e.target);
                    .each(function () {
                        var $self = $(this),
                            $wrapper = $self.closest('.switcher');

                        if ($wrapper.length) {



        var _initSelects = function () {
            // Iterate over select fields
            $this.find('[data-convert-checkbox]').each(function (index, element) {
                // Shortcuts
                var $optionTrue = $(element).find('option[value="1"]'),
                    $optionFalse = $(element).find('option[value="0"]');

                // States
                var isChecked = $optionTrue.is(':selected') ? 'checked' : '',
                    isDisabled = $(element).is(':disabled') ? 'disabled' : '';

                // Switcher Template
                var $switcher = $('<div class="switcher ' + isChecked + ' ' + isDisabled + '"></div>');
                    .data('checkbox', options)
                    .append('<div class="switcher-toggler"></div>' + '<div class="switcher-inner">' +
                        '<div class="switcher-state-on"><span class="fa fa-check"></span></div>' +
                        '<div class="switcher-state-off"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></div>' + '</div>'


        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

         * Initialize method of the widget, called by the engine.
        module.init = function (done) {

            // sanitize url preventing cross site scripting
            options.on_url = options.on_url.replace('"', '');
            options.off_url = options.off_url.replace('"', '');



        // Return data to module engine.
        return module;