/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 panel.js 2017-10-10
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2017 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Panel widget
 * This widget creates a panel container and wraps the inner html inside the panel.
 * The user configuration service is used by this widget, so the state (whether collapsed or expanded) is stored
 * by user and will be used on future usages. To make this functionality possible, the options "user" and "section"
 * are required.
 * ### Options (Required)
 * **Title | `data-panel-title` | String | Required**
 * Panels title value.
 * ### Options (Additional)
 * **Collapsed icon class | `data-panel-collapsed_icon_class` | String | Optional**
 * Font awesome class for collapsed icon. If no value is provided, it defaults to **'fa fa-plus-square-o'**.
 * **Expanded icon class | `data-panel-expanded_icon_class` | String | Optional**
 * Font awesome class for expanded icon. If no value is provided, it defaults to **'fa fa-minus-square-o'**.
 * **Container class | `data-panel-container_class` | String | Optional**
 * Additional class attributes. The values will be append to the .panel element.
 * **Toggle time | `data-panel-toggle_time` | String | Optional**
 * Toggle time for collapsing/expanding the panel. If no value is provided, it defaults to **'200'**.
 * **Collapsed | `data-panel-collapsed` | Boolean | Optional **
 * Determines the panels default state. Collapsed if set to true and expanded otherwise. If no value is provided,
 * the user configuration will be used. If no user configuration was found, the default state is expanded.
 * **User | `data-panel-user` | Integer | Optional**
 * Customer id of user, used by user configuration service to store the collapsed state. This option should be set
 * with the "section" option and will be ignored, if the "collapsed" option is set.
 * **Section | `data-panel-section` | String | Optional**
 * Panel section, used by user configuration service 'configuration_key'. This option should be set with the "user"
 * option and will be ignored, if the "collapsed" option is set.
 * ### Example
 * ```html
 * <!-- usage of user configuration -->
 * <div data-gx-widget="panel"
 *      data-panel-title="Panel Title"
 *      data-panel-user="{$smarty.session.customer_id}"
 *      data-panel-section="panel-sample-section"
 *      data-panel-container_class="additional-sample-class">
 *     <div class="sample-class">
 *         <p>Sample Content</p>!
 *     </div>
 * </div>
 * <!-- usage of collapsed option -->
 * <div data-gx-widget="panel"
 *      data-panel-title="Panel Title"
 *      data-panel-container_class="additional-sample-class"
 *      data-panel-collapsed="false|true">
 *     <div class="sample-class">
 *         <p>Sample Content</p>!
 *     </div>
 * </div>
 * ```
 * @module Admin/Widgets/panel

    // external libraries, used by widget

    function (data) {
        'use strict';

         * Widget reference.
         * @type {jQuery}
        const $this = $(this);

         * Default options for widget,
         * @type {object}
        const defaults = {
            collapsed_icon_class: 'fa fa-plus-square-o',
            expanded_icon_class: 'fa fa-minus-square-o',
            container_class: '',
            toggle_time: 200

         * Final widget options.
         * @type {object}
        const options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data);

         * Module object.
         * @type {{}}
        const module = {};

         * Required widget options, should passed from markup.
         * @type {String[]}
        const requiredOptions = ['title', 'user', 'section'];

         * User configuration service to store collapsed/expanded configuration.
         * @type {jse.libs.user_configuration_service}
        const userConfig = jse.libs.user_configuration_service;

         * Property like values.
        let $iconContainer;
        let $collapseIcon;
        let $panelBody;

        // private methods

         * Widget initialization.
         * @private
        const _init = () => {
            let collapsed;

            if (undefined !== options.collapsed) {
            } else {
                if (undefined === options.user || undefined === options.section) {
                    throw new Error('Required widget options are not set. Set whether the "collapsed" option, or use '
                        + 'the user configuration service with the options "user" and "section".');

                    data: {
                        userId: options.user,
                        configurationKey: options.section + '_collapsed'
                    onSuccess: result => {
                        collapsed = result.length === 0 ? false : result.configurationValue === 'true';

         * Checks if all required options are passed.
         * @private
        const _checkRequiredOptions = () => {
            let i = 0;
            for (; i < requiredOptions.length; i++) {
                if (undefined === options[requiredOptions[i]]) {
                    throw new Error('Required widget option "' + requiredOptions[i] + '" is no set!');

         * Renders the panel.
         * @param {boolean} collapsed If true, the panel will be collapsed.
         * @private
        const _renderPanel = collapsed => {
            const $panelHeading = $('<div/>', {'class': 'panel-heading'});
            const $panelTitle = $('<span/>', {
                'class': 'title',
                'text': options.title

            $iconContainer = $('<span/>', {'class': 'collapser pull-right cursor-pointer'})
            $collapseIcon = $('<i/>', {
                'class': collapsed ? options.collapsed_icon_class : options.expanded_icon_class
            $panelBody = $('<div/>', {'class': 'panel-body'});

            $this.addClass('panel panel-default ' + options.container_class);

            if (collapsed) {
                $panelBody.css({'display': 'none'});

            // set event handler
            $iconContainer.on('click', _toggle)

         * Toggle event listener for clicks on panel heading.
         * @private
        const _toggle = () => {
            const isCollapsed = $collapseIcon.hasClass(options.expanded_icon_class);


                data: {
                    userId: options.user,
                    configurationKey: options.section + '_collapsed',
                    configurationValue: isCollapsed

         * Widget initialization function.
         * @param done
        module.init = done => {

        return module;