/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 switcher.js 2017-11-21
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2017 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Switcher Widget
 * This widget originates from the "switcher" mode of the existing checkbox widget. Because of the increased
 * complexity of the old widget code, the switcher mode is now server by this file. Apply the widget in a parent
 * container and it will search and convert all the checkbox/radio instances into switchers.
 * ### Options
 * **On State | `data-switcher-on-state` | String | Optional**
 * Define the content of the "on" state.
 * **Off State | `data-switcher-off-state` | String | Optional**
 * Define the content of the "off" state.
 * **Selector | `data-switcher-selector` | String | Optional**
 * Set the selector of the checkboxes to be converted to switcher instances. It defaults to **input:checkbox**.
 * ### Methods
 * **Checked**
 * ```js
 * // Set the checked value of the single checkbox selection (no change event will be triggered!).
 * $('table input:checkbox').switcher('checked', true);
 * ```
 * ### Examples
 * In the following example the checkbox element will be converted into a single-checkbox instance.
 * ```html
 * <div class="wrapper" data-gx-widget="switcher">
 *   <input type="checkbox" />
 * </div>
 * ```
 * @todo Add method for disabling the switcher widget (e.g. $('#my-switcher').switcher('disabled', true));
 * @module Admin/Widgets/switcher
gx.widgets.module('switcher', [], function (data) {

    'use strict';

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Module Selector
     * @type {jQuery}
    const $this = $(this);

     * Default Options
     * @type {Object}
    const defaults = {
        onState: '<span class="fa fa-check"></span>',
        offState: '<span class="fa fa-times"></span>',
        selector: 'input:checkbox'

     * Final Options
     * @type {Object}
    const options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data);

     * Module Instance
     * @type {Object}
    const module = {};

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Set the "checked" property of the single checkbox instances.
     * This method will update the value and display of the widgets without triggering a "change" event.
     * @param {Boolean} isChecked The checkbox values will be updated along with their representation.
     * @return {jQuery} Returns the jQuery selector for chained calls.
    function _checked(isChecked) {
        $(this).prop('checked', isChecked);
        return $(this);

     * Add Public Module Methods
     * Example: $('input:checkbox').switcher('checked', false);
    function _addPublicMethod() {
        if ($.fn.switcher) {
            return; // Method is already registered.

            switcher: function (action, ...args) {
                switch (action) {
                    case 'checked':
                        return _checked.apply(this, args);

     * On Switcher Click Event
     * Delegate the click event to the checkbox elements which will update the DOM accordingly.
     * @param {object} event
    function _onSwitcherClick(event) {

        if ($(this).hasClass('disabled')) {
            return false; // The switcher is disabled.

        const $checkbox = $(this).find('input:checkbox');

            .prop('checked', !$checkbox.prop('checked'))

     * On Checkbox Change
     * This callback will update the display of the widget. It will perform the required animations and set the
     * respective state classes.
    function _onCheckboxChange() {
        const $checkbox = $(this);
        const $switcher = $checkbox.parent();

        if (!$switcher.hasClass('checked') && $checkbox.prop('checked')) {
        } else if ($switcher.hasClass('checked') && !$checkbox.prop('checked')) {

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    module.init = function (done) {
        $this.find(options.selector).each(function () {
            const $checkbox = $(this);
            const title = $checkbox.prop('title') ? `title="${$checkbox.prop('title')}"` : '';

                .wrap(`<div class="switcher" ${title}></div>`)
					<div class="switcher-toggler"></div>
					<div class="switcher-inner">
						<div class="switcher-state-on">${options.onState}</div>
						<div class="switcher-state-off">${options.offState}</div>

            // Bind the switcher event handlers.
                .on('click', _onSwitcherClick)
                .on('change', 'input:checkbox', _onCheckboxChange);

            // Trigger the change event to update the checkbox display.


    return module;
