Autoloading and Namespaces

The PHP Standard Recommendation #4 (PSR-4 for short) describes a methodology that allows the application to find classes without having to include them manually. We use Composer to provide this kind of feature.

Using the PSR-4, the namespace of a PHP class determines the location of the file. Namespaces can be assigned to a folder and requested classes within these namespaces are included using this folder.

The shops autoloader automatically assigns the GXModules directory to the GXModules root namespace. If we now give the namespace path the name as the directory structure, the shop system will automatically find the containing classes.


Namespace Path to the class/file
GXModules\... src/GXModules/...
GXModules\Vendor\Library\SomeClass src/GXModules/Vendor/Library/SomeClass.php
GXModules\Vendor\Library\Services\MyService src/GXModules/Vendor/Library/Services/MyService.php