Creating a custom module for the Module Center

This tutorial describes what the Module Center is, what it is used for and how to create a new entry in it.

Important: Module Center modules can be created in two ways. This tutorial deals with the general variant (for experts). Additionally, there is possibility to create a Module Center entry very easily via a GXModules JSON file. For beginners and not so experienced developers, we recommend using the JSON file.

What is the Module Center?

The Module Center is the central place to install, configure and uninstall shop functionality. All programs that add functionality to the shop system are called modules. This, for example, could be a complex interface for an external service or a small program that only outputs a small amount of information. The Module Center provides an overview of the status of all modules in the shop system. It replaces the old system where each module had its non-uniform page and interface for installation and configuration. This means that the user always knows where he can see which modules are currently being used in his shop. An important aspect is that the user can decide which modules he wants or does not want to use. A module should therefore always start by checking whether it is installed before starting to execute the actual functionality.

How do you create a new entry in the Module Center?

Each entry in the Module Center has its class, which must extend the abstract class AbstractModuleCenterModule. If you want to create such a class, you can create it using GXModules (GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/Admin/Classes/ Please mind the following naming convention: [ModuleName] Every class implementing the abstract class AbstractModuleCenterModule needs to use the ModuleCenterModule for their class names.

Such a class has three characteristics:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Sort number

These must be set using the protected method _init(). The class variables are called title, description and sortOrder. To set title and description language-dependent, the \LanguageTextManager is available as a class variable languageTextManager. Please note that the description is limited to 500 characters and no HTML tags are allowed. Title and description should only consist of a short module description.

class MySampleModuleCenterModule extends AbstractModuleCenterModule
   protected function _init()
      $this->title       = $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_title');
      $this->description = $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_description');
      $this->sortOrder   = 99999;

The installation and uninstallation don't need to be implemented. During installation a data record with the key MODULE_CENTER_[MOLDULE_NAME]_INSTALLED is by default created in the table gx_configuration. As value, 1 is saved for installed and 0 for uninstalled. The value can be retrieved shop-wide with the function gm_get_conf($key) method. The status can also be queried via the public method isInstalled() of the class itself.

Optionally, code can be executed during installation and uninstallation. The public methods install and uninstall are available for this purpose. The database can be accessed via the class variable db. Please note that parent::install() or parent::uninstall() have to be called if an entry is to be created in the gm_configuration table. This is strongly recommended! Otherwise, the method _setIsInstalled has to be implemented, which sets the status of the class variable isInstalled according to Boolean.

class MySampleModuleCenterModule extends AbstractModuleCenterModule
   protected function _init()

    * Install module and set own install flag in module table
   public function install()

      $this->db->set('installed', '1')->where('key', 'MY_SAMPLE_INSTALLED')->update('my_sample_module_table');

    * Uninstall module and set own install flag in module table
   public function uninstall()

      $this->db->set('installed', '0')->where('key', 'MY_SAMPLE_INSTALLED')->update('my_sample_module_table');

In the Module Center an Edit button can be found for each entry after installation. The behaviour of this button is controlled by a controller class, which must extend the abstract class AbstractModuleCenterModuleController. You can create this using GXModules (GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/Admin/Classes/ The following naming convention applies [ModuleName]

If the Edit button is to redirect to another page, it is sufficient to write the URL in the protected method init in the class variable redirectUrl.

class MySampleModuleCenterModuleController extends AbstractModuleCenterModuleController
   protected function _init()
      $this->redirectUrl = xtc_href_link('sample.php');

If several pages are to be called up via the Module Center entry, the Edit button can lead to a subpage where further linked buttons for the desired pages are displayed. For this purpose, the protected method _init no longer sets the class variable redirectUrl, but defines a title for the subpage and fills an array of buttons. In the controller class the \LanguageTextManager for language-dependent texts is again available as class variable languageTextManager. The page title and the buttons are set in the class variables pageTitle and buttons. buttons has the following structure:

      'text' => 'Button-Label 1',
      'url'  => 'Button-URL 1'
      'text' => 'Button-Label 2',
      'url'  => 'Button-URL 2'

The complete example looks like this:

class MySampleModuleCenterModuleController extends AbstractModuleCenterModuleController
   protected function _init()
      $this->pageTitle = $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_title');
      $this->buttons   = array(
            'text' => $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_config_page'),
            'url'  => xtc_href_link('sample.php')
            'text' => $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_api_page'),
            'url'  => xtc_href_link('sample.php', 'page=api')
            'text' => $this->languageTextManager->get_text('sample_external_login_page'),
            'url'  => ''

It is also possible to control the entire module configuration in the controller itself and not use any other classes and pages at all. A ModuleCenterModuleController is a normal AdminHttpViewController, which can be used to create an entire admin page.

What should I pay special attention to when working with the Module Center or which common mistakes should I avoid?

  • After creating the classes for the Module Center entry, the cache for module information must be cleared in the admin under the menu item Toolbox > Cache.
  • Do not forget to register the controller in the EnvironmentHttpViewControllerRegistryFactory.

Examples that can be tested in the shop

Here you can find an example containing all showed components, like;

  • Example Module Center Module inside the GXMainComponents/Modules directory.
  • Example Module Center Controller inside the GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/ModuleCenter directory.
  • Example module page inside the admin/html/content/module_center directory.
  • English language file menu item inside the lang/english/user_sections directory.
  • English language file module center entry inside the lang/english/user_sections directory.
  • German language file menu entry inside the lang/german/user_sections directory.
  • German language file module center entry inside the lang/german/user_sections directory.
  • Example menu item inside the GXUserComponents/conf/admin_menu directory.

To test the example, after copying the files, the cache for texts, module information and page output must be cleared in the admin under the menu item Toolbox > Cache.