smarty_function_amazon_payment( $params, &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_amazon_payment( $params, &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_cart_products_qty(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_categories(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
getCategories() : mixed
smarty_function_check_magna_execute(mixed $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : mixed
smarty_function_check_mailbeez_menu(mixed $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : mixed
Helper function that generates the query and executes it on the database
_executeContentManagerQuery(mixed $group, mixed $language) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|mixed
Helper function that calculates the fallback language id if possible
_getContentManagerFallbackId(mixed $source, mixed $language) : int|null
Smarty plugin that gets content manager elements from the database
smarty_function_content_manager(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string
Helper function that generates the query and executes it on the database
_executeContentManagerAliasQuery(mixed $alias, mixed $language) : array<string|int, mixed>|bool|mixed
Helper function that calculates the fallback language id if possible
_getContentManagerAliasFallbackId(mixed $source, mixed $language) : int|null
Smarty plugin that gets content manager elements from the database
smarty_function_content_manager_alias(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_crypt_link( $params, &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_footer( $params, &$smarty) : mixed|string
smarty_function_get_paypal_third_party_payments_block(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_get_sub_categories(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_gm_footer(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_gm_get_conf(mixed $params, mixed $smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_gm_gprint(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_gm_menuboxes(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_html_shop_offline() : mixed
Returns whether the responsive file manager is available.
smarty_function_is_filemanager_available( $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : mixed
smarty_function_load_env_array(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_load_language_text(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
Get the manufacturers data.
smarty_function_manufacturer_data( $params, &$smarty) : array<string|int, mixed>
smarty_function_menubox( $params, &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_menuboxes(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_object_product_list(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_page_id(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_page_url(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
Outputs the required Express Checkout PayPal HTML
smarty_function_paypal_ec_button(array<string|int, mixed> $params, Smarty &$smarty) : string
If the "Express Checkout Buttons" are enabled from the admin section this function will output the required HTML that will display the buttons which will load the required JS modules.
smarty_function_popuplink(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_pre_black_container() : mixed
getImages(mixed $query, mixed $name, mixed $image, mixed $product_id) : mixed
smarty_function_product_images(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_product_listing( $params, &$smarty) : mixed|string
smarty_function_product_rating(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_product_review(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_product_ribbons(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
getSoldOut(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getRecommendation(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getNew(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getDateAvailable(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getSpecials(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getManufacturersData(mixed $p_params) : mixed
getManufacturersId(mixed $p_productId) : mixed
smarty_function_template_setting( $params, &$smarty) : string
smarty_function_url_param_to_hidden_fields(mixed $params, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_modifier_detect_page(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_gm_get_conf(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_gm_get_env_info(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_has_children(mixed $t_categories_array) : mixed
smarty_modifier_htmlentities_wrapper(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_recursive_array_search(mixed $haystack, mixed $needle) : mixed
Smarty plugin
smarty_modifier_shop_url(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_show_left_column(mixed $string) : mixed
smarty_modifier_xtc_href_link(mixed $page[, mixed $parameters = '' ][, mixed $connection = 'NONSSL' ][, mixed $add_session_id = true ][, mixed $search_engine_safe = true ]) : mixed
smarty_outputfilter_note(mixed $tpl_output, mixed &$smarty) : mixed
Smarty {php}{/php} block function
smarty_php_tag(array<string|int, mixed> $params, string $content, object $template, bool &$repeat) : string
parameter list
contents of the block
template object
repeat flag
smarty_function_content_zone( $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : string
str_replace_first(string $search, string $replace, string $subject) : string
smarty_function_google_maps_widget( $params, &$smarty) : mixed
smarty_function_product( $params, Smarty_Internal_Template $template) : mixed|string
smarty_function_product_list( $params, Smarty_Internal_Template &$template) : string