

Interface CustomerAddonValueFilterService

Table of Contents

filterCustomerAddonValues()  : CustomerAddonValues
Returns a filtered and paginated collection of customer addon values based on the given filter and sorting arguments. The filters must be a map, that assigns an attribute its filtering pattern. The sorting must be a comma-separated list of attributes. A `-` can be used to change the order to descend.
getCustomerAddonValuesTotalCount()  : int
Returns total count of customer addon values based on the given filter arguments.



Returns a filtered and paginated collection of customer addon values based on the given filter and sorting arguments. The filters must be a map, that assigns an attribute its filtering pattern. The sorting must be a comma-separated list of attributes. A `-` can be used to change the order to descend.

public filterCustomerAddonValues(int $customerId, array<string|int, mixed> $filters[, string|null $sorting = null ][, int $limit = 25 ], int $offset) : CustomerAddonValues
$customerId : int
$filters : array<string|int, mixed>
$sorting : string|null = null
$limit : int = 25
$offset : int
Return values


Returns total count of customer addon values based on the given filter arguments.

public getCustomerAddonValuesTotalCount(int $customerId, array<string|int, mixed> $filters) : int

The filters must be a map, that assigns an attribute it's filtering pattern.

$customerId : int
$filters : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values

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