Interfaces, Classes and Traits
- GambioCategoriesRankingOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the most sold product categories.
- GambioConversionRateCount
- Class representing a widget showing the conversion rate as count.
- GambioConversionRateTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the conversion rate as trend.
- GambioCustomersCartOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the customers' carts.
- GambioCustomersNewsletterSubscriptionsRate
- Class representing a widget showing the newsletter subscription rate.
- GambioCustomersOnlineList
- Class representing a widget showing the current customers online.
- GambioCustomersRanking
- Class representing a widget showing the customers ranking.
- GambioCustomersRevenueRanking
- Class representing a widget showing the customer's revenue ranking.
- GambioCustomersSignupsCount
- Class representing a widget showing the rate of new customer sign-ups, displayed as count.
- GambioCustomersSignupsTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the rate of new customer sign-ups, displayed as trend.
- GambioCustomersStructure
- Class representing a widget showing the customer's demographic.
- GambioForeignOrdersRate
- Class representing a widget showing the rate of orders of foreign origin.
- GambioOrdersCount
- Class representing a widget showing the order count.
- GambioOrdersList
- Class representing a widget showing a list of orders.
- GambioOrdersPaymentMethodsOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the most used payment methods.
- GambioOrdersRegionsOverview
- Class representing a widget showing orders grouped by regions.
- GambioOrdersShippingMethodsOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the most used shipping methods.
- GambioOrdersStatusChangesList
- Class representing a widget showing a list of recent order status changes.
- GambioOrdersStatusOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the order status.
- GambioOrdersTimesOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the orders grouped by their creation hours.
- GambioOrdersTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the orders.
- GambioProductsRankingOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the most selling products.
- GambioRevenueCount
- Class representing a widget showing the revenue count.
- GambioRevenueTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the revenue as trend.
- GambioVisitorsCount
- Class representing a widget showing the visitors.
- GambioVisitorsOnlineCount
- Class representing a widget showing the current visitors online.
- GambioVisitorsTimesOverview
- Class representing a widget showing the hours of visits.
- GambioVisitorsTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the visitors as trend.
- GambioWithdrawalsCount
- Class representing a widget showing the count of withdrawals.
- GambioWithdrawalsTrend
- Class representing a widget showing the withdrawals as trend.