

Table of Contents

GambioAdmin/Modules/ProductDownload/App/Data/Traits/ProductDownloadFloatConverter.php 1
GambioAdmin/Modules/ProductOption/App/Traits/ProductOptionFloatConverter.php 1
GambioShop/Components/Attributes/Representation/Id/Repository/Readers/ReaderInterface.php 1
GambioShop/Components/Properties/Database/Readers/PropertyReader.php 1
GambioShop/Components/SellingUnit/Database/Unit/Events/OnGetSellingUnitModelEvent.php 1
GambioShop/Components/SellingUnit/Unit/Builders/WeightBuilder.php 2
GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/Admin/ 1
GXMainComponents/Controllers/HttpView/ModuleCenter/ 1
GXMainComponents/Extensions/StyleEdit/Interfaces/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Address/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Agreement/Entities/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Customer/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Manufacturer/Repositories/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Order/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/ParcelService/Repositories/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/ParcelTrackingCode/Repository/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/Product/Providers/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/SpecialOffer/Repositories/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/Core/StaticSeoUrl/Entities/Interfaces/ 1
GXMainComponents/Services/System/AdminAccess/Entities/ 2
GXMainComponents/Services/System/AdminAccess/Entities/Interfaces/ 2
GXMainComponents/Services/System/ThemeSettings/ValueObjects/ThemeSettings.php 1
GXMainComponents/Shared/ 3
GXMainComponents/SmartyPlugins/function.content_manager.php 6
GXMainComponents/SmartyPlugins/function.content_manager_alias.php 6
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/Admin/Classes/ 1
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/Admin/Classes/Controllers/ 1
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/Admin/Overloads/OrderWriteService/ 1
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/AfterbuyCommon/App/Data/Sender/AfterbuyRequestSender.php 1
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/Shop/Overloads/CheckoutSuccessContentControl/ 1
GXModules/Gambio/Afterbuy/ShopApi/App/Data/OrderIdMapping/OrderIdMappingResponseParser.php 1


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{value: float, prefix: string}" has error "\Gambio\Admin\Modules\ProductDownload\App\Data\Traits\array{value: float" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{value: float, prefix: string}" has error "\Gambio\Admin\Modules\ProductOption\App\Traits\array{value: float" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return AttributeIdDto[];" has error "\Gambio\Shop\Attributes\Representation\Id\Repository\Readers\;" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "throws" with body "@throws" has error Attempted to resolve "" but it appears to be empty


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var" has error Expected a different value than "".


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var ...Weight" has error "\Gambio\Shop\SellingUnit\Unit\Builders\...Weight" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var ...Weight" has error "\Gambio\Shop\SellingUnit\Unit\Builders\...Weight" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return JsonHttpControllerResponse." has error "\JsonHttpControllerResponse." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var" has error Expected a different value than "".

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return bool--Checking id StyleEdit is installed _ isStyleEditInstalled" has error "\bool--Checking" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var" has error Expected a different value than "".

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return \FilenameStringType;" has error "\FilenameStringType;" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return AdminAccessGroupCollection." has error "\AdminAccessGroupCollection." is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return AdminAccessGroupInterface." has error "\AdminAccessGroupInterface." is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return AdminAccessGroupCollection." has error "\AdminAccessGroupCollection." is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return AdminAccessGroupInterface." has error "\AdminAccessGroupInterface." is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var string;" has error "\Gambio\GX\Services\System\ThemeSettings\ValueObjects\string;" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array." has error "\array." is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return string." has error "\string." is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "var" with body "@var \\CI_DB_query_builder" has error "\\CI_DB_query_builder" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $group The content_group id of the desired db entry" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $language The language id of the desired db entry" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $source The fallback language id" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $language The desired language id" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {object} $params The passed parameters" has error "\{object}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {object} $smarty Smarty object" has error "\{object}" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $group The content_group id of the desired db entry" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $language The language id of the desired db entry" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $source The fallback language id" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {integer} $language The desired language id" has error "\{integer}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {object} $params The passed parameters" has error "\{object}" is not a valid Fqsen.
ERROR 0 Tag "param" with body "@param {object} $smarty Smarty object" has error "\{object}" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array<array{orders_id: string, afterbuy_success: string}>" has error "\array{orders_id: string" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array<array{id: string, name: string, isDefault: bool}>" has error "\array{id: string" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{0: AfterbuyCheckPaidStatusService, 1: AfterbuyInformationService}|null" has error "\array{0: AfterbuyCheckPaidStatusService" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{status: int, headers: string[][], body: string}" has error "\GXModules\Gambio\Afterbuy\AfterbuyCommon\App\Data\Sender\array{status: int" is not a valid Fqsen.

Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{0: AfterbuyInformationService, 1: AfterbuyCheckPaidStatusService}|null" has error "\array{0: AfterbuyInformationService" is not a valid Fqsen.


Type Line Description
ERROR 0 Tag "return" with body "@return array{xml: SimpleXMLElement, success: string}" has error "\GXModules\Gambio\Afterbuy\ShopApi\App\Data\OrderIdMapping\array{xml: SimpleXMLElement" is not a valid Fqsen.

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