
  • get - Get Orders (Multiple)
  • post - Search Orders


    "billingAddress": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "string",
        "b2bStatus": "boolean",
        "city": "string",
        "company": "string",
        "countryId": "int64",
        "firstname": "string",
        "gender": "string",
        "houseNumber": "string",
        "lastname": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "street": "string",
        "suburb": "string",
        "zoneId": "int64"
    "comment": "int64",
    "customerEmail": "string",
    "customerId": "int64",
    "customerMemos": [
            "date": "string",
            "posterId": "int64",
            "text": "string",
            "title": "string"
    "customerName": "string",
    "customerStatusId": "int64",
    "customerStatusName": "string",
    "deliveryAddress": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "string",
        "b2bStatus": "boolean",
        "city": "string",
        "company": "string",
        "countryId": "int64",
        "firstname": "string",
        "gender": "string",
        "houseNumber": "string",
        "lastname": "string",
        "postcode": "string",
        "street": "string",
        "suburb": "string",
        "zoneId": "int64"
    "id": "int64",
    "mailStatus": "boolean",
    "paymentType": {
        "module": "string",
        "title": "string"
    "purchaseDate": "int64",
    "shippingType": {
        "module": "string",
        "title": "string"
    "statusId": "int64",
    "statusName": "int64",
    "totalSum": "int64",
    "trackingLinks": [
    "withdrawalIds": [
    "billingAddress": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "",
        "city": "Bremen",
        "company": "",
        "country": "Germany",
        "countryIsoCode": "DE",
        "firstName": "Max",
        "houseNumber": "",
        "lastName": "Mustermann",
        "postcode": "12345",
        "state": "",
        "street": "Testweg 123"
    "comment": "",
    "customerEmail": "",
    "customerId": 1,
    "customerMemos": [],
    "customerName": "Max Mustermann",
    "customerStatusId": 0,
    "customerStatusName": "Admin",
    "deliveryAddress": {
        "additionalAddressInfo": "",
        "city": "Bremen",
        "company": "",
        "country": "Germany",
        "countryIsoCode": "DE",
        "firstName": "Max",
        "houseNumber": "",
        "lastName": "Mustermann",
        "postcode": "12345",
        "state": "",
        "street": "Testweg 123"
    "mailStatus": true,
    "paymentType": {
        "module": "MoneyOrder",
        "title": "Rechnung"
    "purchaseDate": "2018-01-01 00:00:00",
    "shippingType": {
        "module": "dp_dp",
        "title": "Deutsche Post (Versand nach DE:  (1 x 2 kg))"
    "statusId": 1,
    "statusName": "Offen",
    "totalSum": "28,70 EUR",
    "trackingLinks": [],
    "withdrawalIds": []
Name Type Description Additional
billingAddress object GXOrderAddress Optional
billingAddress.additionalAddressInfo string Required
billingAddress.b2bStatus boolean Required string Required
billingAddress.postcode string Required string Required
billingAddress.countryId int64 Required
billingAddress.firstname string Required
billingAddress.gender string Required
billingAddress.houseNumber string Required
billingAddress.lastname string Required
billingAddress.street string Required
billingAddress.suburb string Required
billingAddress.zoneId int64 Required
comment int64 Required
customerEmail string Required
customerId int64 Required
customerMemos[] array Required
customerMemos[].date string Required
customerMemos[].posterId int64 Required
customerMemos[].text string Required
customerMemos[].title string Required
customerName string Required
customerStatusId int64 Required
customerStatusName string Required
deliveryAddress object GXOrderAddress Required
deliveryAddress.additionalAddressInfo string Required
deliveryAddress.b2bStatus boolean Required string Required
deliveryAddress.postcode string Required string Required
deliveryAddress.countryId int64 Required
deliveryAddress.firstname string Required
deliveryAddress.gender string Required
deliveryAddress.houseNumber string Required
deliveryAddress.lastname string Required
deliveryAddress.street string Required
deliveryAddress.suburb string Required
deliveryAddress.zoneId int64 Required
id int64 Optional , read only.
mailStatus boolean Required
paymentType object GXPaymentType Required
paymentType.module string Required
paymentType.title string Required
purchaseDate int64 Required
shippingType object GXPaymentType Required
shippingType.module string Required
shippingType.title string Required
statusId int64 Required
statusName int64 Required
totalSum int64 Required
trackingLinks[] array of string Required
withdrawalIds[] array of int64 Required