package |
Default |
Returns whether the responsive file manager is available.
package |
Default |
Value Object.
Interface AddressBlockInterface
Stores all customer address data.
Value Object
Interface AddressClassInterface
Represents a customer address
Interface AdminAccessPermissionPersistenceInterface
Interface AdminAccessPermissionPresentationInterface
Interface CategoryFactoryInterface
This interface defines methods for creating Category and StoredCategory objects with its CategorySettings dependency.
Interface CategoryListProviderFactoryInterface
This interface defines methods for creating CategoryListProvider objects for a specific language and filter of customer status permissions with its dependencies.
Interface CategoryListProviderInterface
This interface defines methods for creating a list of flattened categories with just its essential data. The list of categories is filtered by its parent category ID and customer status permissions and for simplicity it contains language specific data only in one language.
Interface CategoryObjectServiceInterface
This interface defines methods for creating new categories objects with its default values.
Interface CategoryReadServiceInterface
This interface defines methods for retrieving data of a particular category and a collection of specific categories.
Interface CategoryRepositoryDeleterInterface
This interface defines methods for deleting category records from the database and is used in the category repository among the interfaces for writing and reading category records.
Interface CategoryRepositoryInterface
This interface defines methods for handling the database operations that concern the category records of the database. It provides a layer for more complicated methods that use the writer, reader and deleter.
Interface CategoryRepositoryReaderInterface
This interface defines methods for fetching category records from the database and is used in the category repository among the classes for writing and deleting category records.
Interface CategoryRepositoryWriterInterface
This interface defines methods for creating and updating specific category records in the database and is used in the category repository among the interfaces for reading and deleting category records.
Interface CategoryServiceSettingsInterface
This class contains the file system path to the image directory by using specific constants which are defined in the config. It is used by the factory to build the proper service environment. By encapsulating this dependency the code becomes more explicit and testable.
Interface CategorySettingsInterface
This interface defines methods for storing and retrieving some settings regarding display and visibility mode of category related data and is used within a CategoryInterface.
Interface CategorySettingsRepositoryInterface
This interface handles the database operations that concern settings regarding display and visibility mode of category related data of the database. It provides a layer for more complicated methods that use the writer, reader and deleter.
Interface CategorySettingsRepositoryReaderInterface
This interface defines methods for fetching particular columns of specific category records in the database. The category settings are stored in the categories table and are more related to display and visibility modes of category related data.
Interface CategorySettingsRepositoryWriterInterface
This interface defines methods for updating particular columns of specific category records in the database. The category settings are stored in the categories table and are more related to display and visibility modes of category related data.
Interface CategoryWriteServiceInterface
This interface defines methods for creating, updating and deleting categories data.
Value Object
Interface CustomerAdditionalAddressInfoInterface
Represents additional address information
Interface CustomerAddressInterface
Interface AddressBlockInterface
Stores all customer address data.
Value Object.
Class CustomerCallNumberInterface
Represents a phone or fax number.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCityInterface
Represents a customer city.
Value Object
Interface CustomerCompanyInterface
Represents a customer company
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCountryIso2Interface
Represents a customer country ISO 2 code.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCountryIso3Interface
Represents customer country ISO 3 code.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCountryNameInterface
Represents a customer country name.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCountryZoneIsoCodeInterface
Represents a customer country zone ISO code.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerCountryZoneNameInterface
Represents a customer country zone name.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerEmailInterface
Represents a customer email.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerFirstnameInterface
Represents a customer first name.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerGenderInterface
Represents a customer gender.
Interface CustomerGroupCollectionSerializerInterface
Interface CustomerGroupConfigurationsSerializerInterface
Interface CustomerGroupSettingsSerializerInterface
Value Object
Interface CustomerHouseNumberInterface
Represents a house number
Value Object.
Interface CustomerInputValidatorSettingsInterface
CustomerInputValidatorSettings stores all min length values and error messages for registration form validation.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerLastnameInterface
Represents a customer last name.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerNumberInterface
Represents a customer number.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerPasswordInterface
Represents a customer password.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerPostcodeInterface
Represents a customer post code.
Interface CustomerRegistrationInputValidatorServiceInterface
Value Object.
Interface CustomerServiceSettings
Represents the default settings of a customer/guest.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerStreetInterface
Represents a customer street.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerSuburbInterface
Represents a customer suburb.
Value Object.
Interface CustomerVatNumberInterface
Represents a customer VAT number.
Interface InvoiceServiceSettingsInterface
This class contains the file system path to the invoice directory by using specific constants which are defined in the config. It is used by the factory to build the proper service environment. By encapsulating this dependency the code becomes more explicit and testable.
Interface NewsletterSubscriptionServiceFactoryInterface
Interface OrderItemAttributeRepositoryDeleterInterface
Interface OrderItemAttributeRepositoryFactoryInterface
Interface OrderItemAttributeRepositoryReaderInterface
Interface OrderItemAttributeRepositoryWriterInterface
Interface OrderItemPropertyRepositoryDeleterInterface
Interface OrderItemPropertyRepositoryReaderInterface
Interface OrderItemPropertyRepositoryWriterInterface
Value Object
Interface OrderServiceSettings
Represents the default settings of an order
Interface PersonalDataPackingSlipFileStorageInterface
Interface ProductAttributeRepositoryDeleterInterface
Interface ProductAttributeRepositoryReaderInterface
Interface ProductAttributeRepositoryWriterInterface
Interface ProductImageContainerRepositoryInterface
Interface ProductSettingsRepositoryReaderInterface
Interface ProductSettingsRepositoryWriterInterface
Interface QuickEditProductsGraduationsReaderInterface
Interface QuickEditProductGraduatedPricesRepositoryInterface
Interface QuickEditProductsPropertiesReaderInterface
Interface QuickEditProductPropertiesRepositoryInterface
Interface QuickEditProductPropertiesWriterInterface
Interface QuickEditProductSpecialPricesReaderInterface
Interface QuickEditProductSpecialPricesRepositoryInterface
Interface QuickEditProductSpecialPricesWriterInterface
Interface QuickEditPropertiesOverviewColumnsInterface
Interface QuickEditSpecialPricesOverviewColumnsInterface
Interface SerializerInterface
Serializers that implement this interface should parse and encode entities so that they can be used in the shop's APIs.
Serialization must follow the "null" approach in order to enhance response clarity. That means that serializers must provide a null value than an empty string or an omitted node.
Interface SlideImageAreaRepositoryDeleterInterface
Interface StaticSeoUrlContentRepositoryDeleterInterface
Interface StaticSeoUrlContentRepositoryReaderInterface
Interface StaticSeoUrlContentRepositoryWriterInterface
Interface StoredCategoryInterface
This interface extends the Category CategoryInterface and represents a persisted category with an unique ID.
Class AbstractApiV2Controller
This class defines the inner core functionality of a ApiV2Controller. It contains the initialization and request validation functionality that every controller must have.
The functionality of this class is mark as private because child controllers must not alter the state at this point but rather adjust to it. This will force them to follow the same principles and methodologies.
Child API controllers can use the "init" method to initialize their common dependencies.
Class AbstractCategoryServiceFactory
This abstract class defines defines the api contract for the CategoryServiceFactory.
Class AbstractImagesApiV2Controller
Provides a listing of image files.
Abstract Json Serializer
Serializers that extend this class should parse and encode entities so that they can be used in the shop's APIs.
Serialization must follow the "null" approach in order to enhance response clarity. That means that serializers must provide a null value than an empty string or an omitted node.
Class AbstractModuleCenterModule
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AddonValueService
This service will handle the addon values for different contexts of the shop. The addon values is a mechanism for external developers to introduce values to key-entities of the project (e.g. order, product etc.) without further changing the database structure. Take a look at the "Storages" directory for the available storage classes. More classes will be created gradually.
Class AddressesApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the AddressBookService which handles the shop address resources.
Class AddressFormatsApiV2Controller
Provides address format information.
Class AddressJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an address entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class AdminAccessAjaxController
Ajax controller for the admin access ajax requests.
Class AdminAccessController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminAccessGroup
A Group is a collection pages/controllers, that represent a semantic unit for the administration of our shop system.
Class AdminAccessGroupItem
A Group is a collection pages/controllers, that represent a semantic unit for the administration of our shop system.
Class AdminAccessPermission
A permission is the bridge element between a group and a role. It assigns these two elements a values for a reading, writing and deleting (permission).
Class AdminAccessRole
A role represents a collection of administration permissions that can be assigned to an user. The role has also a set of descriptive attributes like a name and a description so the user can understand, what the roles purpose is.
Class AdminAccessUser
A User is a representation of an user with administration rights. Since all users are stored in the customers table of the shop system, the term "customerId" is used to identify such an user. Apart from the ID the user has a collection of roles.
Class AdminFavoritesAjaxController
This class handles the ajax requests for the favorites menu box from the admin menu.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminInfoBoxAjaxController
This class handles incoming ajax requests for the admin info box.
Class AdminLayoutHttpControllerResponse
This class will be used for rendering the new Admin pages which must be explicitly written in templates. These templates can extend any of the existing admin layouts by themselves.
Child controllers can you the "init" method to initialize their dependencies
Class AdminPageHttpControllerResponse
Important: This class will load the admin section of the shop, something that cannot be integrated into unit tests. That is why it is not unit tested.
Class AfterbuyAjaxController
This class handles the ajax requests for afterbuy.
Class AfterbuyModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Value Object
Class AgreementCustomerEmail
Represents an agreement customer email
Class AgreementReadService
This class provides methods in order to read agreements.
Class AgreementWriteService
This class provides methods in order to store and delete agreements.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AssetCollection
Handles Asset objects (JavaScript and CSS). Use the getHtml() method to get the HTML output for the collection. The elements will be outputted in the same order they were added in the collection.
Class AttachmentCollection
Handles the attachment collections of an Email.
Class AttachmentName
Important: This value object is not going to check if the attachment file exists in the server because that would cause problems with the service usage (e.g. if an attachment file is missing an exception would halt all the email service operations).
Class AttachmentNotFoundException
Is thrown whenever an email attachment file could not be found on the server.
Class AttachmentPath
Important: This value object is not going to check if the attachment file exists in the server because that would cause problems with the service usage (e.g. if an attachment file is missing an exception would halt all the email service operations).
Class AttachmentsApiV2Controller
This controller enables the API consumers to handle email attachments which can be later used in emails. The most common scenario is that if an email has attachments, they must be already uploaded before the email is sent.
Class AttachmentsHandler
This class will handle the email attachments organization. Every email must have its own attachments directory so that we can avoid file issues between emails.
Class AutoUpdaterAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AutoUpdaterController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AutoUpdaterCouldNotExtractUpdateZipException
Class AutoUpdaterMovingUpdateFilesFailedException
Class BoolType
Shared boolean type class. Use the "asBool" method for getting the plain value.
Class BrickfoxModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CategoriesApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the CategoryWriteService and CategoryReadService classes, which handle the shop category resources.
Class CacheTokenHelper
This class returns the cache token string that is saved in the cache directory. This token can be used for cache busting of various resources. It is cleared whenever the module data are removed from the "cache" directory (also known as persistent data).
Class CartController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CartDropdownController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CartShippingCostsController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CatalogSelectWidgetAjaxController
This ajax controller is used by the catalog selector widget to fetch all products and categories in the shop.
Class CategoriesApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the CategoryWriteService and CategoryReadService classes, which handle the shop category resources.
Class CategoryAddonValueStorage
This class extends AbstractAddonValueStorage and handles the association of key-value pairs inside the CategoryAddonValueStorage to the columns and tables inside the database. All addon values except these you have registered in the Method '_getExternalFieldsArray' will be stored in the 'addon_values_storage' table associated with the AddonValueContainerId (category ID).
Class CategoryFactory
This class creates Category and StoredCategory objects with its CategorySettings dependency.
Class CategoryIconsApiV2Controller
This controller handles the Category Icon file operations. The clients of the API can list, upload, rename or delete files that exist in the server.
Class CategoryImagesApiV2Controller
This controller handles the Category Image file operations. The clients of the API can list, upload, rename or delete files that exist in the server.
Class CategoryJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a Category entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class CategoryListItem
This class represents a flattened category with just its essential data. The object stores language specific data only in one language and is mainly used inside a CategoryListItemCollection for displaying among other CategoryListItems in a list. The class provides only read access and can not use to manipulate and persist categories data.
Class CategoryListItemCollection
This class is a container (collection) for CategoryListItem objects.
Class CategoryListItemJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an CategoryListItem entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class CategoryListProvider
This class provides methods for creating a list of flattened categories with just its essential data. The list of categories is filtered by its parent category ID and customer status permissions and for simplicity it contains language specific data only in one language.
Class CategoryListProviderFactory
This class creates CategoryListProvider objects for a specific language and filter of customer status permissions with its dependencies.
Class CategoryObjectService
Use this class for creating new categories objects with its default values.
Class CategoryReadService
This class provides methods for retrieving data of a particular category and a collection of specific categories.
Class CategoryRepository
This class handles the database operations that concern the category records of the database. It provides a layer for more complicated methods that use the writer, reader and deleter.
Class CategoryRepositoryDeleter
This class deletes category records from the database and is used in the category repository among the classes for writing and reading category records.
Class CategoryRepositoryReader
This class provides methods for fetching specific category records from the database and is used in the category repository among the classes for writing and deleting category records.
Class CategoryRepositoryWriter
This class provides methods for creating and updating specific category records in the database and is used in the category repository among the classes for reading and deleting category records.
Class CategoryServiceFactory
This class provides methods for creating the objects of the public category service api with its dependencies.
Class CategorySettings
This Class stores some settings regarding display and visibility mode of category related data and is used within a CategoryInterface.
Class CategorySettingsRepository
This class handles the database operations that concern settings regarding display and visibility mode of category related data of the database. It provides a layer for more complicated methods that use the writer, reader and deleter.
Class CategorySettingsRepositoryReader
This class provides methods for fetching particular columns of specific category records in the database. The category settings are stored in the categories table and are more related to display and visibility modes of category related data.
Class CategorySettingsRepositoryWriter
This class provides methods for updating particular columns of specific category records in the database. The category settings are stored in the categories table and are more related to display and visibility modes of category related data.
Class CategoryWriteService
This class provides methods for creating, updating and deleting categories data.
Class CheckQuantityController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CheckStatusController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ContactName
Contact name will be the display name for an EmailContact object.
Class ContentManagerElementsAjaxController
Ajax controller for the content manager elements
Class ContentManagerPagesController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ContentManagerPagesAjaxController
Ajax controller for the content manager pages
Class ContentManagerPagesController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ContentManagerProductContentsAjaxController
Ajax controller for the content manager product contents
Class ContentManagerProductContentsController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CookieBarController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CountriesApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the CountryService which handles the shop country resources.
Class CountryJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a country entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class CreateGuestController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CreateRegistreeController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Subclass of ConfigurationStorage for parameters concerning cron tasks
Class CronjobsApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to cronjob specific tasks.
Class CronjobsController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CrossCuttingLoader
CrossCuttingLoader enables loading of mockable objects for cross cutting concerns, that were not injected to the current object.
Important: RegisteredObjectsOnly flag must be enabled for unit testing.
Class CustomerAccountInputValidator
This class is used for validating input data from the customer account
Value Object
Class CustomerAdditionalAddressInfo
Represents additional address information
Class CustomerAddress
This class is used for managing customer address data
Class CustomerAddressDeleter
This class is used for deleting customer address data
Class CustomerAccountInputValidator
This class is used for validating entered customer address data
Class CustomerAddressReader
This class is used for reading customer address data from the database
Class CustomerAddressRepository
This class contains basic methods for finding, creating and deleting customer addresses
Class CustomerAddressWriter
This class is used for writing customer address data into the database
Class CustomerCountry
This class is used for getting customer country data
Value Object
Class CustomerCountryIso2
Represents a customer country ISO2 code
Value Object
Class CustomerCountryIso3
Represents a customer country ISO3 code
Value Object
Class CustomerCountryName
Represents a customer country name
Class CustomerCountryReader
This class is used for reading customer country data from the database
Class CustomerCountryRepository
This class provides basic methods for finding customer country data
Class CustomerCountryZone
This class is used for getting customer country zone data
Value Object
Class CustomerCountryZoneIsoCode
Represents a customer country zone ISO code
Value Object
Class CustomerCountryZoneName
Represents a customer country zone name
Class CustomerCountryZoneReader
This class is used for reading customer country zone data from the database
Class CustomerCountryZoneRepository
This class provides basic methods for finding customer country zone data
Value Object
Class CustomerDateOfBirth
Represents a customer birth date
Class CustomerGroupAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class CustomerHashedPassword
Represents a customer's password hash.
Class CustomerInputValidator
Validator class that checks the entered user data.
Value Object
Class CustomerInputValidatorSettings
CustomerInputValidatorSettings stores all min length values and error messages for registration form validation
Class CustomerJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a customer entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class CustomerLoginController
Controller to login as a certain customer
Class CustomerReader
This class is used for reading customer data from the database
Class CustomerReadService
This class provides methods for reading customer data.
Class CustomerRegistrationInputValidatorService
This class is used for validating customer input while registration
Class CustomerRepository
This class contains basic methods for finding, creating and deleting customer data
Class CustomersApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class CustomerService
This class provides methods for creating and deleting customer data
Class CustomerServiceFactory
Factory class for all needed customer data.
Value Object
Class CustomerServiceSettings
Represents the default settings of a customer/guest
Class CustomerWriter
This class is used for writing customer data to the database
Class CustomerWriteService
This class provides methods for creating and deleting customer data
Class DashboardController
PHP controller class for the dashboard page of the admin section. The statistic results are generated within this class and provided to the frontend through AJAX calls.
Class DataTableColumnType
There are cases where each column is treated differently depending its data type.
Class DataTableHelper
This class contains helper methods for datatable manipulation. Create an instance and define the columns of your table and their respective database fields. You can also provide two fields separated with a space for concatenated string.
Class DecimalType
Shared decimal type class. Use the "asDecimal" method for getting the plain value.
Class DefaultApiV2Controller
The default APIv2 controller will be triggered when client consumers hit the "api.php/v2" URI and it will return information about the API.
Class DefaultTemplateSettings
Class to provide the default settings of a shop frontend template. Used for overload able template settings.
For overloading some of the template settings do as follows:
create a overload of the setTemplateSettings method:
public function setTemplateSettingsArray (array $settingsArray) { $settingsArray['MENUBOXES']['your_new_menu_box'] = array('POSITION' => 'gm_box_pos_99', 'STATUS' => 0); $this->templateSettingsArray = $settingsArray; }
Class DynamicShopMessages
This controller fetches the dynamic shop messages from the shop portal through a CURL request. It will only perform the request once a day and use the data cache for this reason (performance).
Class EkomiModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class EmailAddress
Represents an email address (both email address and displayed name).
Class EmailAttachment
Email attachment will serve as the path to the file that needs to be attached (located on the server).
Class EmailCollection
Used by operations that consider multiple email objects.
Class EmailContact
Represents a contact (sender/recipient) that participates in an email entity.
Class EmailsJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an email entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class EmailParser
Handles the Email entity object parsing and encoding so that PHP can pass email records to JavaScript and vice versa. What it actually does is convert an email record into an array that can be encoded into JSON and parsed from JavaScript.
Class EmailReader
Reads email records from the database. This class provides a customizable interface for reading operations so that it is possible to build different variations in the EmailRepository class (e.g. "getPending", "findById", "getAll").
Class EmailRepository
Handles the database operations that concern the email records of the database. It provides a layer for more complicated methods that use the writer, reader and deleter.
Class EmailsApiV2Controller
This controller provides a gateway to the EmailService of the system. The user is able to get, send, queue and delete email records through his shop. Email forwarding is not directly supported but can be easily implemented by getting an existing email and then sending it with the updated contact addresses.
API consumers can also upload attachments through the AttachmentsApiV2Controller and later use them within their emails. The upload operation must be executed before sending/queuing the email because it is not possible to send the email JSON data and upload a file at the same time. For more info see the AttachmentsV2Controller.
Class EmailsController
PHP controller that handles the admin/emails page operations. You can also use it to perform email operations from JavaScript by providing encoded JSON arrays with email information from other pages.
Class EmailService
Represents the public API for the Email service of the system. External users must use this class for all the email operations except.
Important: Since the attachments will be flat-stored in the "uploads/attachmetns" directory the "send" and "queue" method will have to perform multiple writes to the database in order to get robust attachment handling that will not crash the rest of the service.
Class EmailStringType
Shared email string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Class EmailWriter
Writes email records in the database (insert/update operations).
Class EmbeddedModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
The purpose of this class is to return an empty string as representation of a empty currency code value.
The purpose of this class is to represent a DateTime with support of an empty date 1000-01-01 00:00:00
The purpose of this class is to return an empty string as representation of a empty language code value.
Class EnvCategoryServiceSettings
This class contains the file system path to the image directory by using specific constants which are defined in the config. It is used by the factory to build the proper service environment. By encapsulating this dependency the code becomes more explicit and testable.
Class EnvInvoiceServiceSettings
This class contains the file system path to the invoice directory by using specific constants which are defined in the config. It is used by the factory to build the proper service environment. By encapsulating this dependency the code becomes more explicit and testable.
Class EnvironmentHttpViewControllerRegistryFactory
Class EnvPackingSlipServiceSettings
This class contains the file system path to the packing slip directory by using specific constants which are defined in the config. It is used by the factory to build the proper service environment. By encapsulating this dependency the code becomes more explicit and testable.
Class ExistingDirectory
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class ExistingFile
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class ExtraContentController
This controller exists as a base for future extensions for cases in which content needs to be displayed in a somewhat neutral way. cf. system/overloads/ExtraContentController for examples on how to use this.
Class FileManagerController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class FilenameStringType
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Class FilterController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class FindologicModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class GeschaeftskundenversandConfigurationStorage
Class GeschaeftskundenversandController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class GeschaeftskundenversandModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class GeschaeftskundenversandProduct
Represents a product configuration (product and attendance code) for DHL Business Customer API
Class GeschaeftskundenversandShipmentInvalidExportTypeException
Class GeschaeftskundenversandShipmentInvalidTermsOfTradeException
Class GeschaeftskundenversandSoapAdapterCigCredentialsMissingException
Class GeschaeftskundenversandSoapAdapterException
Class GoogleAdwordConversionModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class GXCoreLoaderSettings
Wraps needed settings from the environment.
Class GXModuleCenterModuleButtonActionsAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class GXModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
subclass of ConfigurationStorage for parameters concerning GXModules
Class GXModuleController
Extend from this class to get easy access to the configuration of the your GXModule you don't need the GXModuleConfigurationStorage
Class HeidelpayModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HermesModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class HttpApiException
This exception class is used for handling exceptions that concern the API execution. The default exception code is set to 500 (Internal Server Error) and must explicitly set to any other standard HTTP status code in order to be contained in the response headers.
Class HttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class IdType
IMPORTANT: When you need to cast an Id object to integer, cast it first to string, because otherwise the following command will return always 1:
EXAMPLE: $id = new IdType(948); bad - (int)$id >> 1 good - (int)(string)$id >> 948
Class IloxxModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ImageProcessingController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ImageRequestController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class IntrashipModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class IntType
Shared int type class. Use the "asInt" method for getting the plain value.
Class InvoicesModalsAjaxController
AJAX controller for the invoices modals.
Class InvoicesAjaxController
AJAX controller for the invoices main page.
Class InvoicesOverviewColumns
This class contains the definition of the invoices overview columns. Use it in every controller that needs the column definition.
This class can be overloaded and more table columns can be added.
Class InvoicesController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class InvoicesOverviewTooltips
This class generates the required HTML for the tooltips of each row in the invoices overview table. In order to be faster do not use any services but fetch the data directly with DB queries.
Class ItRechtModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class JanolawModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class JsConfigurationController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class JsonWebTokenSecretProvider
Creates random secret for JWT authentication.
Class JsTranslationsController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class JSWidgetsAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class LawsController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class LegalTextType
This class provides constants which represent the valid legal text version types.
Class LegalTextVersionHelper
This class provides methods in order to get the legal text version of a legal text like eg. the privacy text.
Class LettrModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class LiveSearchController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class MagnalisterModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class MailbeezModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class MailerAdapter
This class provides a communication layer with the external mailing library in order to isolate the library-specific code.
Class ManufacturerAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class MaxFileSizeController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class MediafinanzModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ModuleCenterController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class NewAttributesController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class NewsletterLinkModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class NonEmptyStringType
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class OrderAddressBlock
This class is used by the OrderListItem and InvoiceListItem and includes all required address values for the listings.
Class OrderJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an Order entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class OrderListItemJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an OrderListItem entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class OrdersApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the OrderWriteService and OrderReadService classes, which handle the shop order resources.
Value Object
Class OrderServiceSettings
Represents the default settings of an order
Class OrdersStatusHistoryApiV2Controller
Notice: This controller is a sub-resource of the OrdersV2Controller.
Class OrdersItemsApiV2Controller
Notice: This controller is a sub-resource of the OrdersApiV2Controller.
Class OrdersItemsAttributesApiV2Controller
Notice: This controller is a sub-resource of the OrdersItemsApiV2Controller.
Class OrdersModalsAjaxController
AJAX controller for the orders modals.
Class OrdersAjaxController
AJAX controller for the orders main page.
Class OrdersOverviewColumns
This class contains the definition of the order columns. Use it in every controller that needs the column definition.
This class can be overloaded and more table columns can be added.
Class OrdersOverviewController
Bootstraps the Orders overview page.
Class OrdersOverviewTooltips
This class generates the required HTML for the tooltips of each row in the orders overview table. In order to be faster do not use any services but fetch the data directly with DB queries.
Class OrderStatusAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class OrderStatusStyles
This class works in cooperation with the "admin/html/content/layouts/main/partial/order_status_styles.html" to provide the dynamic styling of the order status labels.
Class OrdersTotalsApiV2Controller
Notice: This controller is a sub-resource of the OrdersV2Controller.
Class OrderTooltipController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class PackedDownloadController
This class implements a mass downloader. It can be used to have the shop retrieve a list of resources (denoted by their URLs) and pack them in a ZIP file. The ZIP file is stored in the cache folder and can then be downloaded.
Class ParcelServicesApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class ParcelshopfinderController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ParcelshopfinderModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class PathType
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class PayOneModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class PayPalConfigurationController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class PayPalController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class PostfinderModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ProductAttributesModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ProductImagesApiV2Controller
Provides an API interface for managing product images through the ProductWriteService.
Notice: This controller IS NOT a sub-resource of the ProductsApiV2Controller.
This controller can be reached by using one of the following URIs:
Using "productimages" as a resource name will not resolve to this controller.
Class ProductJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a Product entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.
Class ProductListItemJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize an ProductListItem entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communications.
Class ProductMediaContentController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ProductPricesApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class ProductQuestionController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ProductReviewsApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the ReviewWriteService and ReviewReadService classes, which handle the shop review resources.
Class ProductsApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the ProductWriteService and ProductReadService classes, which handle the shop product resources.
Class ProductsLinksApiV2Controller
Provides an API interface for managing the product links.
Notice: This controller is a sub-resource of the ProductsApiV2Controller.
Class ProtectedShopsModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class QuantityUnitAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class QuantityUnitController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class QuickEditOverviewAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class QuickEditOverviewController
Bootstraps the QuickEdit overview page.
Class QuickEditProductPropertiesAjaxController
Serves properties modal operations of the QuickEdit page.
Class QuickEditSpecialPricesAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ResponsiveFilemanagerController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ResponsiveFileManagerModuleCenterModule.
Class representing the module center module for the responsive file manager.
Class ResponsiveFileManagerModuleCenterModuleController.
Class representing the module center module controller for the responsive file manager.
Class ReviewJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a Review entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communications.
Class ReviewsApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the ReviewWriteService and ReviewReadService classes, which handle the shop review resources.
Class SeoTagsDataProvider
This class provides configuration data for SeoTagsHeaderExtender. By keeping this data inside this separate class third-party developers can extend the lists provided by overloading SeoTagsDataProvider.
Class SessionTimeoutAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ShipcloudController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Controller for shipcloud configuration
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class ShopKeyController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class Slide
Represents the default settings of a single slide in a slider. Has got the slider image settings as collection for every image of a slide.
Class SlideImageArea
Represents the default settings of a single image area in a slide.
Class Slider
Represents the default settings of a slider. Has got the slide settings as collection for every slide of a slider.
Class SliderJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a Slider entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communications.
Class SlidersDetailsAjaxController
AJAX controller the teaser slider edit page.
Class SlidersDetailsController
Bootstraps the teaser slider edit page.
Class SlidersOverviewAjaxController
AJAX controller for the teaser slider overview page.
Class SliderOverviewController
Bootstraps the teaser slider overview page.
Class Smarty_Resource_Get_Usermod
Resource overload for the smarty include statements. It enables USERMOD-files for templates.
USAGE: {include file="get_usermod:PATH/TO/TPL.FILE"}
Class SpecialOffersApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class StaticCrossCuttingLoader
This class wraps the CrossCuttingLoader for static use.
CrossCuttingLoader enables loading of mockable objects for cross cutting concerns, that were not injected to the current object.
Class StaticGXCoreLoader
This class is for static use only. Usage example: $customerService = StaticGXCoreLoader::getService('Customer');
Class StaticSeoUrl
Represents the default settings of a static seo url. Has got the static seo url contents as collection.
Class StaticSeoUrlAjaxController
AJAX controller for the staticSeoUrl overview page.
Class StaticSeoUrlContent
Represents the default settings of a single StaticSeoUrlContent in a StaticSeoUrl.
Class StaticSeoUrlController
Bootstraps the staticSeoUrl overview page.
Class StoredCategory
This class extends the Category class and represents a persisted category with an unique ID.
Class StringType
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Class StyleEdit3AuthenticationController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class TemplateConfigurationController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class HttpApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class TrustedShopsModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class CustomerCountry
This class is used for getting customer country data
Class UploadedFile
Use this file class to validate that a file was uploaded by and HTTP POST request.
Class UserConfigurationController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class UserConfigurationService
This class is used to persist user specific configurations
Class VatNumberValidator
This class provides methods for validating VAT numbers
Class AdminHttpViewController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class VersionInfoRepository
This class provides methods for retrieving data of a particular category and a collection of specific categories.
Class VersionInfoService
This class provides methods for retrieving data of a particular category and a collection of specific categories.
Class VPEAjaxController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class VpeApiV2Controller
Contains common functionality for all the GX2 APIv2 controllers. You can use the $api instance in the child-controllers in order to gain access to request and response information. The $uri variable is an array that contains the requested resource path.
You can use a protected "__initialize" method in your child controllers for performing common operations without overriding the parent constructor method.
This class contains some private methods that define the core operations of each controller and should not be called from a child-controller (like validation, authorization, rate limiting). The only way to disable the execution of these methods is to override the controller.
Class VPEController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class WishListController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class WithdrawalJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a Withdrawal entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communications.
Class WithdrawalsApiV2Controller
Provides a gateway to the WithdrawalWriteService and WithdrawalReadService classes, which handle the shop withdrawal resources.
Class WritableDirectory
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class WritableFile
Shared string type class. Use the "asString" method for getting the plain value.
Notice: The constructor value must not be empty!
Class YategoModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class YoochooseModuleCenterModuleController
This class contains some helper methods for handling view requests. Be careful always when outputting raw user data to HTML or when handling POST requests because insufficient protection will lead to XSS and CSRF vulnerabilities.
Class ZoneJsonSerializer
This class will serialize and deserialize a zone entity. It can be used into many places where PHP interacts with external requests such as AJAX or API communication.