Text Phrases

Text phrases can easily be queried via the Gambio\Core\Language\TextManager. Either a single text phrase or all text phrases of a section can be queried via the TextManager. The current language of the HTTP client will be assumed by default or replaced with German if the language of the client does not exist or could not be determined. However, it is also possible to query text phrases in a specific language.

The following gives an example of how to use it:

use Gambio\Core\Language\TextManager;

 * Class SampleClass
class SampleClass
     * @var TextManager
    private $textManager;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param TextManager $textManager
    public function __construct(TextManager $textManager)
        $this->textManager = $textManager;

     * @param int|null $languageId
     * @return string
    public function getWelcomeText(int $languageId = null): string
        if ($languageId !== null) {
            return $this->textManager->getPhraseText('welcome', 'my-section', $languageId);

        return $this->textManager->getPhraseText('welcome', 'my-section');

     * @param int|null $languageId
     * @return string[]
    public function getAllOfMyPhrases(int $languageId = null): array
        if ($languageId !== null) {
            return $this->textManager->getSectionPhrases('my-section', $languageId);

        return $this->textManager->getSectionPhrases('my-section');


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. If your are using the legacy architecture, you need to fetch this service using the Legacy DI Container.