Module: Admin/Widgets/ckeditor

CKEditor Widget

Use this widget on a parent container to convert all the textareas with the "wysiwyg" class into CKEditor instances at once.

Official CKEditor Website:


File Browser URL | data-ckeditor-filebrowser-browse-url | String | Optional

Provide the default URL of the file browser that is integrated within the CKEditor instance. The default value points is 'includes/ckeditor/filemanager/index.html'.

Base URL | data-ckeditor-base-href | String | Optional

The base URL of the CKEditor instance. The default value points to the directory.

Enter Mode | data-ckeditor-enter-mode | Number | Optional

Define the enter mode of the CKEditor instance. The default value of this option is CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR which means that the editor will use the <br> element for every line break. For a list of possible values visit this CKEditor API reference page.

Shift Enter Mode | data-ckeditor-shift-enter-mode | Number| Optional

Define the shift-enter mode of the CKEditor instance. The default value of this option is CKEDITOR.ENTER_P which means that the editor will use the <p> element for every line break. For a list of possible values visit this CKEditor API reference page.

Language Code | data-ckeditor-language | String | Optional

Provide a language code for the CKEditor instance. The default value comes from the jse.core.config.get('languageCode') value which has the active language setting of the current page.


When the page loads the textarea element will be converted into a CKEditor instance.

<div data-gx-widget="ckeditor"> 
  <textarea class="wysiwyg"></textarea>
To Do:
  • Replace the "wysiwyg" class with a simple "convert-to-ckeditor" class which is easier to remember.


  • module:CKEditor-Library