Module: Admin/Widgets/datetimepicker

Datetimepicker Widget

This widget will convert itself or multiple elements into datetimepicker instances. Check the defaults object for a list of available options.

You can also set this module in a container element and provide the "data-datetimepicker-container" attribute and this plugin will initialize all the child elements that have the "datetimepicker" class into datetimepicker widgets.

jQuery Datetimepicker Website:


In addition to the options stated below, you could also add many more options shown in the jQuery Datetimepicker documentation.

Format | data-datetimepicker-format | String | Optional

Provide the default date format. If no value is provided, the default format will be set to 'd.m.Y H:i'.

Lang | data-datetimepicker-lang | String | Optional

Provide the default language code. If the current language is set to english, the default language code will be set to 'en-GB', else the language code will be set to 'de'.


<input type="text" placeholder="##.##.#### ##:##" data-gx-widget="datetimepicker" />
  • Since v1.4, will be removed in v1.6. Use the one from JSE/Widgets namespace.


  • module:jQuery-Datetimepicker-Plugin