Source: admin/javascript/engine/libs/button_dropdown.js

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 button_dropdown.js 2016-02-23
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

jse.libs.button_dropdown = jse.libs.button_dropdown || {};

 * ## Button Dropdown Library
 * This library contains helper functions that make the manipulation of a button dropdown
 * widget easier.
 * You will need to provide the full URL in order to load this library as a dependency to a module:
 * ```javascript
 * gx.controller.module(
 *   'my_custom_page',
 *   [
 *      jse.core.config.get('shopUrl') + '/admin/html/assets/javascript/engine/libs/button_dropdown'
 *   ],
 *   function(data) {
 *      // Module code ... 
 *   });
 * ### Example
 * ```javascript
 * var $buttonDropdown = $('#my.js-button-dropdown');
 * // Map an action to a dropdown item.
 * jse.libs.button_dropdown.mapAction($buttonDropdown, action, section, callback, $targetRecentButton);
 * // Change recent button.
 * jse.libs.button_dropdown.changeDefualtButton($buttonDropdown, text, callback, $targetRecentButton);
 * // Add a separator in a dropdown list.
 * jse.libs.button_dropdown.addDropdownSeperator($buttonDropdown);
 * ```
 * @todo Further improve the code and the comments of this library.
 * @module Admin/Libs/button_dropdown
 * @exports jse.libs.button_dropdown
(function(exports) {
	'use strict';
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Triggers a specific event from an element.
	 * Some situations require a different approach than just using the "trigger" method.
	 * @param {object} $element Destination element to be triggered.
	 * @param {object} event Event options can be used for creating new conditions.
	 * @private
	var _triggerEvent = function($element, event) {
		if ($element.prop('tagName') === 'A' && event.type === 'click') {
		} else {
	 * Binds the event to a new dropdown action item.
	 * @param {object} options See bind documentation.
	 * @private
	var _bindEvent = function(options) {
		var $dropdown = options.$dropdown,
			action = options.action,
			$target = options.$target,
			eventName = options.event,
			callback = options.callback || false,
			title = options.title || (options.$target.length ? options.$target.text() : '<No Action Title Provided>'),
			$li = $('<li></li>');
		$li.html('<span data-value="' + action + '">' + title + '</span>');
		$li.find('span').on(eventName, function(event) {
			if (callback !== false) {
				//event.stopPropagation();$li.find('span'), event);
			} else {
				_triggerEvent($target, event);
	 * Initializes the default button.
	 * @param {object} $dropdown The affected button dropdown selector.
	 * @param {object} configValue Configuration value that comes from the UserConfigurationService.
	 * @param {object} title The caption of the default action button.
	 * @param {object} callback (optional) Callback function for the new action.
	 * @param {object} $targetDefaultButton (optional) Selector for the default button.
	 * @private
	var _initDefaultAction = function($dropdown, configValue, title, callback, $targetDefaultButton) {
		var interval = setInterval(function() {
			if (typeof $dropdown.attr('data-configuration_value') !== 'undefined') {
				// Sets the recent action button loaded from database.
				if ($dropdown.attr('data-configuration_value') === configValue) {
					exports.changeDefaultAction($dropdown, title, callback, $targetDefaultButton);
		}, 300);
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
	 * Adds a new item to the dropdown.
	 * @param {string} translationPhrase Translation phrase key.
	 * @param {string} translationSection Translation section of the phrase.
	 * @param {function} customCallback Define a custom callback.
	 * @param {object} $targetDefaultButton (optional) A custom selector which dropdown buttons should be changed.
	exports.mapAction =
		function($dropdown, translationPhrase, translationSection, customCallback, $targetDefaultButton) {
			var $target = $targetDefaultButton || $dropdown,
				title = (translationSection !== '')
					? jse.core.lang.translate(translationPhrase, translationSection)
					: translationPhrase;
			// Sets the first action as recent action button, if no recent action has benn set so far.
			if (!$dropdown.find('ul li').length && $dropdown.find('button:first').text().trim() === '') {
				exports.changeDefaultAction($dropdown, title, customCallback, $target);
			_initDefaultAction($dropdown, translationPhrase, title, customCallback, $target);
			var options = {
				action: translationPhrase,
				$dropdown: $dropdown,
				title: title,
				event: 'perform:action',
				callback: function(event) {
					exports.changeDefaultAction($(this), title, customCallback, $target);
	 * Adds a separator to the dropdown list.
	 * The separator will be added at the end of the list.
	 * @param {object} $dropdown
	exports.addSeparator = function($dropdown) {
	 * Changes the default action of the button.
	 * @param {object} $button The affected button dropdown widget.
	 * @param {string} title Text of the new button.
	 * @param {string} callback The callback
	 * @param {object} $targetDefaultButton A custom element for which button should be changed.
	exports.changeDefaultAction = function($dropdown, title, callback, $targetDefaultButton) {
		var $target = $targetDefaultButton || $dropdown,
			icon = $'icon');
		if (title.length) {
				.on('perform:action', callback);
			.prop('title', title.trim());
		if (typeof icon !== 'undefined') {
				.prepend($('<i class="fa fa-' + icon + ' btn-icon"></i>'));