Module: Admin/Widgets/button

Button Widget

Enables the jQuery button functionality to an existing HTML element. By passing extra data attributes you can specify additional options for the widget.

jQueryUI Button API:


The following example will initialize the button with the jQuery UI API option "disabled".

<button data-gx-widget="button" data-button-disabled="true">Disabled Button</button>

Equals to ...

$('button').button({ disabled: true });

The following example will initialize a button with custom jQuery UI icons by setting the "icons" option.

<button data-gx-widget="button" 
    data-button-icons='{ "primary": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s", "secondary": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" }'>
  jQuery UI

Note that if you ever need to pass a JSON object as an option the value must be a valid JSON string otherwise the module will not parse it correctly.



  • module:jQueryUI-Library