Module: Admin/Extensions/view_change

View Change Extension

Use this extension to show or hide elements depending the state of a input-checkbox element. The extension needs to be bound directly on the checkbox element. It requires two jQuery selector parameters that point the elements that will be displayed when the checkbox is checked and when it isn't.


On State Selector | data-view_change-on | String | Required

Define a jQuery selector that selects the elements to be displayed when the checkbox is checked.

Off State Selector | data-view_change-off | String | Required

Define a jQuery selector that selects the elements to be displayed when the checkbox is unchecked (required).

Closest Parent Selector | data-view_change-closest | String | Optional

Use this jQuery selector to specify which "closest" element will be the parent of the element search. This option can be useful for shrinking the search scope within a single parent container and not the whole page body.


In the following example only the labels that reside inside the div.container element will be affected by the checkbox state. The label outside the container will always be visible.

<div class="container">
  <input type="checkbox" data-gx-extension="view_change"
    data-view_change-closest=".container" />
  <label class="label-primary">Test Label - Primary</label>
  <label class="label-secondary">Test Label - Secondary</label>  

<label class="label-primary">Test Label - Primary</label>