Module: Admin/Extensions/visibility_switcher

Visibility Switcher Extension

Use this extension in a parent element to easily define the visibility of child elements during the mouse hover of their containers. When the "mouseleave" event is triggered the children will be hidden.


Rows | data-visibility_switcher-rows | String | Required

Provide a jQuery selector string which points to the elements that have the "hover" event.

Selections | data-visibility_switcher-selections | String | Required

Provide a jQuery selector string which points to the elements to be displayed upon the "hover" event.


In the following example the .row-action elements will be visible whenever the user hovers above of the <tr> element. The initial state of the elements must be hidden (thus the 'hidden' class).

<table data-gx-extension="visibility_switcher" 
  <tr class="row">
    <td>John Doe</td>
      <i class="fa fa-pencil row-action edit hidden"></i>
      <i class="fa fa-trash row-action delete hidden"></i>

Whenever the user hovers at the table rows the .row-action elements will be visible and whenever the mouse leaves the rows they will be hidden.
