Module: Admin/Widgets/checkbox

Checkbox Widget

This extension can serve multiple types of checkboxes (simple switchers, text switchers and gambio-styled checkboxes, radio-button switcher). Apply the widget in a parent container and it will search and convert all the instances into fine checkboxes


Filter | data-checkbox-filter | String | Optional

Provide a jQuery selector string for filtering the children elements of the parent container.

Checked State URL | data-checkbox-on_url | String | Optional

If provided the user will be navigated to the given URL once he clicks a checked instance of the widget.

Unchecked State URL | dat-acheckbox-off_url | String | Optional

If provided the user will be navigated ot the given URL once he clicks an unchecked instance of the widget.

Checked State Text | data-checkbox-on_text | String | Optional

If provided it will be displayed instead of the normal check icon.

Unchecked State Text | data-checkbox-off_text | String | Optional

If provided it will be displayed instead of the normal X icon.

Custom Checkbox Class | data-checkbox-class | String | Optional

Provide additional custom classes to the checkbox element.

Check Status | data-checkbox-check | Boolean | Optional

Defines whether the checkbox is checked or not. Use this option to override the original checkbox state.


Single Checkbox Example

A single checkbox is just a better styled checkbox that can be used for seamless integration into the Gambio Admin pages.

<label for="my-checkbox">Single Checkbox (checked)</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="my-checkbox" title="Single Checkbox" data-single_checkbox checked />

Switcher Checkbox

Displays a nice mobile-like switcher that is bound on the original checkbox. That means that any change done on the switcher will affect the original checkbox element.

<label for="my-checkbox">Receive Notifications</label>
<input type="checkbox" id="my-checkbox" title="Receive Notifications" />

Radio Checkbox

The checkbox widget can also serve cases with two radio buttons that define a yes or no use case. Consider the following example where the first radio element contains the "activate" and the second "deactivate" status.

<input type="radio" name="status" value="1" title="Activated" checked />
<input type="radio" name="status" value="0" title="Deactivated" />

URL Switcher

If you need to change the status of something by navigating the user to a specific url use the "on_url" and "off_url" options which will forward the user to the required URL.

<div data-gx-widget="checkbox"