Source: admin/javascript/engine/widgets/button.js

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 button.js 2016-02-23
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Button Widget
 * Enables the jQuery button functionality to an existing HTML element. By passing extra data
 * attributes you can specify additional options for the widget.
 * jQueryUI Button API: {@link}
 * ### Examples
 * The following example will initialize the button with the jQuery UI API option "disabled". 
 * ```html
 * <button data-gx-widget="button" data-button-disabled="true">Disabled Button</button>
 * ```
 * Equals to ... 
 * ```js
 * $('button').button({ disabled: true });
 * ```
 * The following example will initialize a button with custom jQuery UI icons by setting the "icons" option.
 * ```html
 * <button data-gx-widget="button" 
 *     data-button-icons='{ "primary": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s", "secondary": "ui-icon-triangle-1-s" }'>
 *   jQuery UI
 * </button>
 * ```
 * *Note that if you ever need to pass a JSON object as an option the value must be a 
 * [valid JSON string]( 
 * otherwise the module will not parse it correctly.*
 * @module Admin/Widgets/button
 * @requires jQueryUI-Library
	function(data) {
		'use strict';
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
			 * Widget Reference
			 * @type {object}
			$this = $(this),
			 * Default Widget Options
			 * @type {object}
			defaults = {},
			 * Final Widget Options
			 * @type {object}
			options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data),
			 * Module Object
			 * @type {object}
			module = {};
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
		 * Initialize method of the widget, called by the engine.
		module.init = function(done) {
		// Return data to module engine.
		return module;