Source: admin/javascript/engine/widgets/datetimepicker.js

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
 datetimepicker.js 2016-02-23
 Gambio GmbH
 Copyright (c) 2016 Gambio GmbH
 Released under the GNU General Public License (Version 2)

 * ## Datetimepicker Widget
 * This widget will convert itself or multiple elements into datetimepicker instances. Check the defaults object for a
 * list of available options.
 * You can also set this module in a container element and provide the "data-datetimepicker-container" attribute and
 * this plugin will initialize all the child elements that have the "datetimepicker" class into datetimepicker widgets.
 * jQuery Datetimepicker Website: {@link}
 * ### Options
 * In addition to the options stated below, you could also add many more options shown in the
 * jQuery Datetimepicker documentation.
 * **Format | `data-datetimepicker-format` | String | Optional**
 * Provide the default date format. If no value is provided, the default format will be set
 * to `'d.m.Y H:i'`.
 * **Lang | `data-datetimepicker-lang` | String | Optional**
 * Provide the default language code. If the current language is set to english, the default
 * language code will be set to `'en-GB'`, else the language code will be set to `'de'`.
 * ### Examples
 * ```html
 * <input type="text" placeholder="##.##.#### ##:##" data-gx-widget="datetimepicker" />
 * ```
 * @module Admin/Widgets/datetimepicker
 * @requires jQuery-Datetimepicker-Plugin
	function(data) {
		'use strict';
			 * Module Selector
			 * @type {object}
			$this = $(this),
			 * Default Module Options
			 * @type {object}
			defaults = {
				format: 'd.m.Y H:i',
				lang: jse.core.config.get('languageCode') === 'en' ? 'en-GB' : 'de'
			 * Final Module Options
			 * @type {object}
			options = $.extend(true, {}, defaults, data),
			 * Module Instance
			 * @type {object}
			module = {};
		 * Initialize Module
		 * @param {function} done Call this method once the module is initialized.
		module.init = function(done) {
			// Check if the datetimepicker plugin is already loaded. 
			if ($.fn.datetimepicker === undefined) {
				throw new Error('The $.fn.datetimepicker plugin must be loaded before the module is initialized.');
			// Check if the current element is a container and thus need to initialize the children elements. 
			if (options.container !== undefined) {
			} else {
		return module;