Dependency Injection Container

The Application Core (complete namespace Gambio\Core\Application\Application) acts as a dependency injection container (DI container, or sometimes Dependency Container) and therefore one of its tasks is to provide all components and services. From a technical point of view this corresponds to the implementation of an Inversion of Control Container (IoC Container for short) and follows the PHP standard PSR-11.

The following sections explain the terms Dependency Injection, Inversion and Inversion of control containers and their use in development.

What is an Inversion of Control Container?

The SOLID Principles are rules that should lead to a good object-oriented design. The fifth principle (Dependency Inversion Principle) deals with the topic Dependency Injection and the reduction of couplings between classes and objects.

Dependency Injection

Dependency Injection means that constructors and methods of classes never directly instantiate new classes but the dependencies of the respective classes will be defined and passed to them as function parameters.


class MyClass
    private $dependency;

    public function __construct() 
        // Here is the mistake! "Dependency" should be provided as a parameter and new be created with "new".
        $this->dependency = new Dependency();

    public function method(): void
        // Same mistake as above.
        $otherDependency = new OtherDependency();




class MyClass
    private $dependency;

    // The dependency is provided as a parameter and initialed as a class attribute.
    public function __construct(Dependency $dependency) 
        $this->dependency = $dependency;

    // The dependency is also provided as a parameter but because it will only be used in this method it's not
    // initialed as a class attribute.
    public function method(OtherDependency $otherDependency): void


This makes it much easier to create Unit Tests for these classes, which significantly reduces the error-proneness of the system. But why does following the Dependency Injection pattern make it easier to write unit tests?

In unit tests, dependencies can easily be faked. This means that instead of passing an object to the concrete class, you pass a so-called dummy object that fulfills the requirements of the method signatures (so that PHP does not trigger an error). The test then only checks the interaction between the class under test and the dependency.

Another advantage of the design pattern is that it significantly reduces the codes complexity. Classes generally depend on other classes. In the example above neither Dependency nor OtherDependency had a constructor parameter. But this is rarely the case because a lot of classes usually have additional dependencies, which `MyClass' would have to know.

With the Dependency Injection Principle, the dependency is defined in the constructor or a method and can then interact with it in the code. The dependencies of this class can be recognized directly from methods (unlike the example with MyClass) or the method signature of the constructor. The objects are usually created and passed externally in factory classes.

The Dependency Injection design pattern makes it much easier to comply with the first SOLID principle (Single Responsibility). The advantages mentioned above are a nice side effect.

Dependency Inversion

Dependency Injection and Inversion can easily be confused by the wording. Dependency Inversion means that abstract classes or even better interfaces are used to define dependencies rather than concrete classes. This reduces the coupling between classes even further and makes it easier to exchange implementations.

Inversion of control container

Now we know what the terms Dependency Injection and Inversion mean. But what is the Inversion of Control container?

The task of the IoC container is to provide all service classes, whereas the task of the shop system is to answer incoming HTTP requests using these service classes.

Answering incoming HTTP requests works, roughly speaking, by assigning a function to a URL. A controller class for example, can provide several of these functions in the form of methods. Another mechanism recognizes the URL of the incoming HTTP request and then executes the desired function.

In the best case, one or more service classes have now been injected into the controller via the constructor. Therefor all of the Clean Code principles are adhered and we can now use the service to execute complex functionalities.

This is where the Inversion of control container or our Application class comes in. Its task is to provide all services for the shop system.

When the shop application initializes, all Service Providers are loaded. Within the Service Provider several dependencies of the service will be defined. Only when a particular service has been requested by the container, it starts the initialization for this service and returns it.

Legacy DI Container

To ensure that the new core components and services can not only be used via the new Application Core, we have provided an interface in the form of an additional DI Container (similar to the Application class).

The class LegacyDependencyContainer can be called globally in the old application kernel and serves as Service Locator.

If you now want to request e.g. the new ConfigurationService by using the LegacyDependencyContainer, this could be done like this:

// Imaging this code belongs to the file
// GXModules/Vendor/Library/Shop/Overloads/BestsellerBoxContentView/MyBestsellerBoxOverload.php

use Gambio\Admin\Configuration\ConfigurationService;

class MyBestsellerBoxOverload extends MyBestsellerBoxOverload_parent
    public function prepare_data()
        $service = LegacyDependencyContainer::getInstance()->get(ConfigurationService::class);

        // now you can use the configuration service