
We implemented an event system for dispatching events and the registration of event handlers based on PSR 14. Events differ from command by pointing out something happened, while commands trigger a specific process inside the application.

The following example shows how to implement an event and event handler:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events;

 * Class SampleEvent
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events
class SampleEvent
namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners;

use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;

 * Class SampleEventListener
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners
class SampleEventListener
     * @param SampleEvent $event
    public function __invoke(SampleEvent $event): void
        // do something

It is common to inject some services in the handler to provide functionality. This should be done with the help of a Service Provider.

Dispatching events

If you want to dispatch your own or existing events, you need to use Gambio\Core\Event\Interfaces\EventDispatcher.

The following example shows how to dispatch the SampleEvent:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Psr\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;

 * Class AbstractModule
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var EventDispatcher
    private $eventDispatcher;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher
    public function __construct(EventDispatcher $eventDispatcher)
        $this->eventDispatcher = $eventDispatcher;

    public function doSomething(): void
        $event = new SomeEvent();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. If your are using the legacy architecture, you need to fetch this service using the Legacy DI Container.

Handling an event

To handle an event you need to register your event handler, which will then be executed after the specific event has been dispatched. Therefore, you have two ways of doing so.

Register event handler by defining a specific module class

The shop software can identify modules by specific module classes (more information can be found in the tutorial about configuring a module). This module class needs to implement an EventListeners method, which provides an array that maps the event handlers to their events.

The system that reads all module classes will then automatically register your event handlers.

The following example shows the implementation of such a module class:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\Modules\AbstractModule;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners\SomeEventListener;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;

 * Class SampleModule
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleModule extends AbstractModule
     * @inheritDoc
    public function eventListeners(): array
        return [
            SomeEvent::class => [

Service Provider registration

Alternatively, it's also possible to use a bootable Service Provider to register your event handler.

The following example shows how to do this:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\DependencyInjection\AbstractModuleBootableServiceProvider;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners\SomeEventListener;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;

 * Class MyBootableServiceProvider
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class MyBootableServiceProvider extends AbstractModuleBootableServiceProvider
     * @inheritDoc
    public function provides(): array
        return [

     * @inheritDoc
    public function register(): void

     * @inheritDoc
    public function boot(): void
        $this->application->attachEventListener(SomeEvent::class, SomeEventListener::class);

Prioritised event handlers

Additional to normal event handlers, it's possible to register prioritised event handlers. This means, that the order in which the event handlers are executed is defined by the priority defined by each event handler.

To create a prioritised event handler your class can extend from the Gambio\Core\Event\Abstracts\AbstractPrioritizedEventListener or implement the Gambio\Core\Event\PrioritizedEventListener interface by itself.

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners;

use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;
use Gambio\Core\Event\PrioritizedEventListener;

 * Class PrioritisedSampleEventListener
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners
class PrioritisedSampleEventListener implements PrioritizedEventListener
     * @inheritDoc
    public function priority(): int
        return PrioritizedEventListener::PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH; // or: return self::PRIORITY_VERY_HIGH;

     * @param SampleEvent $event
    public function __invoke(SampleEvent $event): void
        // do something

The registration is similar to the registration of a non-prioritised event handler:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\DependencyInjection\AbstractModuleBootableServiceProvider;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListeners\PrioritisedSampleEventListener;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;

 * Class MyBootableServiceProvider
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class MyBootableServiceProvider extends AbstractModuleBootableServiceProvider

     * @inheritDoc
    public function boot(): void
        $this->application->attachPrioritisedEventListener(SomeEvent::class, PrioritisedSampleEventListener::class);


Please have in mind, that this is only possible by using a Service Provider.