Adding new JavaScript

The including of additional JavaScript is determined by defined sections. It's important to follow a specific directory structure inside your GXModule module. The following example shows the directory structure and the available sections:

- GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/Shop/Themes/<Theme>/Javascript/
    - Account/
    - AccountHistory/
    - CallbackService/
    - Cart/
    - Cat/
    - Checkout/
    - Global/
    - GVSend/
    - Index/
    - Manufactures/
    - PriceOffer/
    - ProductInfo/
    - Wishlist/

Note: The <Theme> must be the directory name of an existing theme or All. In case of All the JS files will be included for every theme.

Assuming you want to include a specific JavaScript (e.g. my_alert.js) into every page of the Honeygrid theme, then you need to create the following file: GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/Shop/Themes/<Theme>/Javascript/Global/my_alert.js.