Theme System Architecture

The theme system uses a standardized file and folder structure. This means that every theme always contains the same folders. For both Gambio and developers, creating new themes and extending existing themes can easily be done.


Besides the possibility to create a completely new theme, it is also possible to create new themes based on another theme. This inheritance option offers full flexibility for theme developers.

For instance, you can create your own theme based on Malibu. Subsequently, based on your created theme, you are able to create additional themes for different subjects (for example: summer and winter themes).

The expandability and possible theme inheritance is unlimited, as shown in this example:

 └─ MyShopTheme
     ├─ MyShopChristmasTheme
     ├─ MyShopSpringfeverTheme
     │   └─ MyShopValentinesDayTheme
     └─ MyShopSummerPartyTheme

Theme structure

A theme always adheres to the same structure and is always located in the themes folder. In following you can get an idea of what the structure of a theme is like:

The root directory always has a unique name (e.g. Malibu) and is placed inside the theme directory of the shop root. Inside this directory you can find these files and directories:

  • theme.json: Theme meta data file, which provides information about the theme
  • settings.default.json: Theme configuration file
  • html: HTML snippets directory
  • images: Images directory
  • javascripts: JavaScript files directory
  • styles: Stylesheet files directory
  • TextPhrases: Language files directory

There may also be additional folders for your own files (e.g. fonts).

How the theme system works


The following paragraphs describe the in-depth technical details. This can be skipped, if only the usage of the theme system is of interest.

To understand the theme system, it is important to know that Gambio already has an older theme system, which will gradually disappear. The legacy themes are called templates. The old template system is currently still in place to maintain compatibility.

The new theme system was built "next to it". This gives us the possibility to progressively change the standard from templates to themes. Old templates still retain their location in templates, while new themes end up in the themes folder.


There is a class called ThemeControl, which is the central control center for templates and themes. It takes care of delivering the correct paths for the activated theme or template.


For all views in the shop there are the corresponding ContentView classes.

Example: LoginContentView is responsible for the display of the login page. ContentView is always the base class of all views in the shop. However, these ContentViews only apply to the old template system.

For this reason, a new base class called ThemeContentView was created, which is the corresponding counterpart for the theme system. This means that the corresponding ThemeContentViews have also been created for all views. In relation to the previous example, there is now also a corresponding LoginThemeContentView class.

The new ThemeContentViews are located in GXMainComponents/View/ThemeContentViews.


The MainFactory class has been modified to deliver the corresponding views depending on the activated template or theme; that is, ContentView for templates and ThemeContentViews for themes. You can examine the logic for this in MainFactory::load_class().

As a result of this change, it is not necessary for the developer to check whether a template or a theme has just been activated, because thats what the MainFactory takes care of.

To refer back to the previous example: In the LoginContentControl class the corresponding LoginContentView is loaded via the MainFactory, as you can see below.

// line 172
$coo_login_view = MainFactory::create_object('LoginContentView');
$coo_login_view->set_('info_message', $info_message);
$coo_login_view->set_('checkout_started_get_param', $t_checkout_started_get_param);
$coo_login_view->set_('input_mail_value', $t_input_mail_value);
$coo_login_view->set_('cart_contents_count', $_SESSION['cart']->count_contents());

$this->v_output_buffer = $coo_login_view->get_html();

In this case the MainFactory checks whether a LoginThemeContentView counterpart to the LoginContentView exists. If so, the LoginThemeContentView is loaded instead of the original LoginContentView.

New template names

When we created the theme system, we simultaneously released a new base theme Malibu. This base theme is the successor of Honeygrid. We also decided to restructure and rename the HTML templates.

The HTML templates for the Malibu theme are located in themes/Malibu/html/system and now have a flat folder structure (all files are in one folder). Additionally, the HTML templates have been renamed.

Regarding the previous example: it is once more made clear why we had to create extra ThemeContentView classes. If we look at LoginContentView::__construct(), which is used for the old template system, we see the following:

// line 32
public function __construct()


The HTML template 'modules/login.html' is loaded from the template directory.

Now we look at LoginThemeContentView::__construct() for the new theme system and see that another HTML template is loaded:

// line 33
public function __construct()


The HTML template login.html from the theme directory is used here.

In conclusion, if you want to know which new HTML template is used for a particular ContentView, just look for the corresponding ThemeContentView class instead of the old ContentView class.

Theme compilation

The activated theme is "compiled" and ends up in the public/theme directory. If you want to regenerate the theme, you have to delete that folder and then reload the shop in the browser.