
Since logging is of course also an important core component of an application, an implementation of the PSR-3 Psr\Log\LoggerInterface can be created using the Gambio\Core\Logging\LoggerBuilder. This builder provides methods to set a specific namespace for your logs as well as methods to add or omit request data to your logs.

According to the PSR different log levels can be used and additional context data can be logged. All logs can be viewed in the Gambio Admin under Toolbox > Show Logs and are stored in both text and JSON form in the logfiles folder (in the main directory of the shop).

Logging with utility function

The easiest way to get an instance of the logger is by using the Gambio\Core\Logging\logger(string $namespace = 'general', bool $addRequestData = false): LoggerInterface utility function.
The following example demonstrate how to log information in case of an exception.

use function Gambio\Core\Logging\logger;

// ...

 * Class MyClass
class MyClass
     * Performing an operation that might fail
     * and logs in case of an exception. 
    public function doSomethingThatMightFail(): void
        try {
        } catch (\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
            $logger = logger(
                // default args, can be omitted 
                $namespace = 'general',
                $addRequestData = false

            $logger->error('error message describing the problem', [
                // any additional data can be logged in the context array
                'foo' => 'bar'

     * This method throws an exception randomly on usage.
     * @throws Exception
    private function performSomething(): void
        if (\random_int(1, 2) === 1) {
            throw new \UnexpectedValueException('operation failed');

Logging with Service Provider injection

The following example shows you how to create a logger with help of a service provider and how to use it:

use Gambio\Core\Application\DependencyInjection\AbstractServiceProvider;
use Gambio\Core\Logging\LoggerBuilder;

 * Class MyServiceProvider
class MyServiceProvider extends AbstractServiceProvider
     * @inheritDoc
    public function provides(): array
        return [MyClass::class];

     * @inheritDoc
    public function register(): void
        // Add LoggerBuilder as a dependency, so you can create your logger inside the
        // constructor method of your class.

        // Alternatively you could create the logger before adding it as a dependency
        // for your class.
        $this->application->registerShared(MyClass::class, function(){
            /** @var LoggerBuilder $builder */
            $builder = $this->application->get(LoggerBuilder::class);
            $logger  = $builder->changeNamespace('some-namespace')

            return MyClass($logger);
use Gambio\Core\Logging\LoggerBuilder;
use Psr\Log\LoggerInterface;

 * Class MyClass
class MyClass
     * @var LoggerInterface
    private $logger;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param LoggerBuilder $loggerBuilder
    public function __construct(LoggerBuilder $loggerBuilder)
        $this->logger = $loggerBuilder->changeNamespace('sample-class')

     * @param string $message
     * @param array  $extraData
    public function logSomething(string $message, array $extraData = []): void
        $this->logger->notice($message, $extraData);


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. If your are using the legacy architecture, you need to fetch this service using the Legacy DI Container.