Environment Variables

Working with the shop software sometimes requires the usage of some environment variables like paths on the webserver, the base URL of the shop or the language the client is using. To give you all this information we added some services (more or less value objects) that provide it for you.

The following examples show you which services are available and what information is provided.


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\Environment;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var Environment
    private $environment;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param Environment $environment
    public function __construct(Environment $environment)
        $this->environment = $environment;

     * @return bool
    public function isShopInDevEnvironment(): bool
        return $this->environment->isDev();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\Path;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var Path
    private $path;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param Path $path
    public function __construct(Path $path)
        $this->path = $path;

     * @return string
    public function getAbsoluteBasePathOfShop(): string
        return $this->path->base();

     * @return string
    public function getAbsoluteBasePathOfAdmin(): string
        return $this->path->admin();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\Server;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var Server
    private $server;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param Server $server
    public function __construct(Server $server)
        $this->server = $server;

     * @return bool
    public function isSslEnabled(): bool
        return $this->server->sslEnabled();

     * @return string
    public function getRequestUri(): string
        return $this->server->requestUri();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\ServerInformation;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var ServerInformation
    private $serverInformation;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param ServerInformation $serverInformation
    public function __construct(ServerInformation $serverInformation)
        $this->serverInformation = $serverInformation;

     * @return bool
    public function isModRewriteAvailable(): bool
        return $this->serverInformation->modRewriteAvailable();

     * @return bool
    public function isModRewriteWorking(): bool
        return $this->serverInformation->modRewriteWorking();

     * @return bool
    public function isHtaccessVersionAvailable(): bool
        return $this->serverInformation->htaccessVersionAvailable();

     * @return bool
    public function isAvailableHtaccessVersionGreaterThan(string $version): bool
        return $this->serverInformation->htaccessVersionGreaterEquals($version);


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\Url;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var Url
    private $url;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param Url $url
    public function __construct(Url $url)
        $this->url = $url;

     * @return string
    public function getHost(): string
        return $this->url->host();

     * @return string
    public function getPath(): string
        return $this->url->path();

     * @return string
    public function getBaseUrlToShop(): string
        return $this->url->base();

     * @return string
    public function getBaseUrlToAdmin(): string
        return $this->url->admin();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!


namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Core\Application\ValueObjects\UserPreferences;

 * Class SampleClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleClass
     * @var UserPreferences
    private $userPreferences;

     * SampleClass constructor.
     * @param UserPreferences $userPreferences
    public function __construct(UserPreferences $userPreferences)
        $this->userPreferences = $userPreferences;

     * @return int|null
    public function getUserId(): ?int
        return $this->userPreferences->userId();

     * @return bool
    public function isUserAuthenticated(): bool
        return $this->userPreferences->isAuthenticated();

     * @return int
    public function getLanguageId(): int
        return $this->userPreferences->languageId();


This example expects you to use the Service Provider to register your classes to the Application Core. It's not possible to fetch these value objects using the Legacy DI Container!