Adding languages and managing text phrases

In this tutorial you will learn how to create new texts and modify existing ones as well as the general use of language phrases.

Language file in general

What is a language file and where can you find it?

By default, all texts are supplied from the database. With a language file it is possible to create and change the text phrases used in the shop.

Language files for your module are stored in the GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/Shop/TextPhrases/{Language}/ directory. {Language} is a placeholder for a specific language, e.g. German or English.


The original texts are located exclusively in the lang/{Language}/original_sections directory. The database text phrases are created based on the original language files and other language files (e.g. from modules, etc.) as well as text adjustments that can be made in the Gambio Admin.

What is a section?

Sections are used to categorize the text phrases. The following naming convention is used when creating a language file: <SectionName> or <SectionName>.<Additional>

<Additional>, for example, can be used for a sort number or to accommodate a developer or module name. This makes sense especially if you want to extend an existing section and ensure that the file is not overwritten by a foreign module that happens to use the same section.

What are text phrases?

Text phrases are are divided into two parts - a phrase name and phrase text. The phrase name is the variable name that is used later in the code to output the phrase text.

Structure of the language files

The typical structure of a language file is as follows:

$t_language_text_section_content_array = array(
    'phrasen_name' => 'A text phrase.',
    'button_ok'    => 'OK'

You can see that the phrase name button_ok has been assigned the phrase text OK.

Extending a section by using <Additional>

If a new language file is created, it extends the section buttons by a new phrase. The structure is the same as before:

$t_language_text_section_content_array = array(
    'button_cancel' => 'Abbrechen'

Overwriting texts

To overwrite a text phrase, the language files must be created with the same section name <SectionName> Your language files have a higher priority than the original language files. Individual adjustments still have the highest priority.

Using the language files in ...


In PHP you need to use the Gambio\Core\Language\TextManager component, which is explained in the architecture and framework part of our documentation.

Smarty template

To load a language file into Smarty, use the following instruction:

{load_language_text section="buttons"}

After, the individual text variables can be inserted within the template using {$txt.PHRASEN_NAME} (e.g. {$txt.street} or {$}).

It is also possible to group the phrases of a section for the template by a specific name.

{load_language_text section="buttons" name="buttons"}

Doing so, you can access the text phrases using {$buttons.PHRASEN_NAME}, e.g. {$buttons.button_cancel}.


For JavaScript we provide a service method that can be used like this:

// jse.core.lang.translate([PHRASEN_NAME], [JS_SECTION_NAME])
const buttonLabel = jse.core.lang.translate('paylink', 'paypal3');

Initialisation for the admin area

In the controller an array of all needed sections can be specified during the instantiation of the AdminPageHttpControllerResponse object:

return MainFactory::create('AdminPageHttpControllerResponse', $title, $html, null, ['buttons']);

Initialisation for the store area

Via the PHP class JSEngineConfiguration the needed sections for the JavaScript are loaded. To add your sections, an overload of the method _getSections is necessary. For example:

protected function _getSections()
    $additionalSection = array('js_section_name' => 'section_name');
    $this->sections = array_merge($this->sections, $additionalSection);

    return parent::_getSections();

The section section_name is now available under the name 'js_section_name' in JavaScript. Usually it makes sense not to choose a different name for js_section_name, e.g. for loading the paypal3-section:

protected function _getSections()
    $additionalSection = array('paypal3' => 'paypal3');
    $this->sections = array_merge($this->sections, $additionalSection);

    return parent::_getSections();

Possible problems and solutions

  • Smarty template:
    By default, the text variables are provided with the prefix txt. If several language files are included, there may be conflicts with the names. To avoid conflicts when several language files are included, you can specify a prefix. {load_language_text section="buttons" name="button"} The texts from the section buttons are now available with the prefix button, e.g. {$button.ok} or {button.cancel}
  • The changes made to a language file are not displayed:
    After adding new language files, you should perform the following operations in the Admin section of the Cache page: Clear the page output cache, Clear the module information cache and Clear the text cache.
  • Manual changes in the database table language_phrases_cache are not displayed:
    This is a pure cache table where changes are out of place and lost. Changes can be made via language files or via the adapt texts function in the admin.
  • In the event of text errors, check that the correct encoding has been selected for the language file: UTF-8 without BOM.

Adding a new language

To add a new language you need to copy all language files of an existing language, which can be found in the lang directory and translate all of its text phrases.