Defining a module

The definition, configuration or registration of a module to the system can be done in two ways and depends on what your module does. A module can have a so-called GXModule.json file and/or a module PHP class inside the root directory of it. Both files will be handled differently and define or configure different parts of the shop software.

The module class

If you're using the new Application Core, you need to create a specific module class inside your modules root directory. Our module system will detect this module class (at least after clearing the module caches) and register your event listener, command handler and/or HTTP routes.

The mechanism for searching the GXModules directory for module classes is based on these two conventions:

  1. The class name must have a Module suffix, which means that the file name must end with Module.php (e.g. GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/SampleModule.php).
  2. The module class must extend the Gambio\Core\Application\Modules\AbstractModule class.

As new modules are added to the system, the modules cache must be renewed in the Gambio Admin (Toolbox > Caches).

Your module class may implement several methods that provide information about your module. The following examples give an overview of these methods. Mind that not every method needs to be implemented because of the abstract base class.

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

use Gambio\Admin\Modules\Withdrawal\Model\Events\CreatedWithdrawal;
use Gambio\Core\Application\Modules\AbstractModule;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\Events\SampleEvent;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListener\SampleEventListener;
use GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>\EventListener\SampleCreatedWithdrawalEventListener;

 * Class SampleModule
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class SampleModule extends AbstractModule
     * Lists all event listeners.
     * The list must be a multidimensional array in the following format:
     * key   := full qualified class name of the event class
     * value := numeric, one dimensional array with full qualified class name
     *          of the event listener class
     * @return array|null
    public function eventListeners(): ?array
        return [
            SampleEvent::class => [
            CreatedWithdrawal::class => [

Register your Service Provider

Adding your Service Provider to the Application Core is pretty straightforward. Similar to the mechanism that is looking for a module class inside your modules root directory, it's also looking for a Service Provider.

The mechanism is based on these two conventions:

  1. The class name must have a ServiceProvider suffix, which means that the file name must end with ServiceProvider.php (e.g. GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/SampleServiceProvider.php).
  2. The Service Provider class must extend the Gambio\Core\Application\DependencyInjection\AbstractModuleServiceProvider or Gambio\Core\Application\DependencyInjection\AbstractModuleBootableServiceProvider class.

More information about the implementation of a Service Provider can be found in the corresponding tutorial.

The GXModule.json file

Creating a GXModules.json file inside your modules directory (e.g. GXModules/<Vendor>/<Module>/GXmodule.json), you can provide some basic information about your module and create an entry inside our Module Center, where your module then can be installed or uninstalled.

If you don't create such a file, there will be no entry inside our Module Center and your module can't be installed or uninstalled. This way, our automatic mechanics and processes will always process all files of your modules. Doing so is neither good nor bad, it depends on what your module does or needs.

The basic information

As said, the GXModule.json need to be placed inside the root directory of your module. The essential content of this file looks like this:

    "title": "sample_module_text_section.module_title",
    "description": "sample_module_text_section.module_description",
    "forceIncludingFiles": false

The values of the attributes title and descriptions contain a reference to the module title or description. The left side (starting from the dot) indicates the language section, while the right side shows the text phrase.

The value of the forceIncludingFiles attribute indicates if our system should process all of your module files even if the module isn't installed.


Our language and text system can only look up the title and description if you also provide the text phrases in form of a language text file.

Execute custom logic on install or uninstall

If you want to provide extra custom logic that will be executed on the installation or uninstallation of your module, you can create a specific class and reference it inside the GXModule.json using the following schema:

   "install": {
       "controller": "MyModuleInstallerClass",
       "method": "onInstallation"
    "uninstall": {
        "controller": "MyModuleInstallerClass",
        "method": "onUninstallation"

The controller and method attributes define which class and method should be initialized and executed. You need to make sure, this class is registered by a service provider.

The following example shows the implementation of the install and uninstall methods:

namespace GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>;

 * MyModuleInstallerClass
 * @package GXModules\<Vendor>\<Module>
class MyModuleInstallerClass
     * @param array $gxmodulesJsonData
    public function onInstallation(array $gxModulesJsonData): void
        // do some stuff before install

     * @param array $gxmodulesJsonData
    public function onUninstallation(array $gxModulesJsonData): void
        // do some stuff after uninstall


The $gxModulesJsonData parameter will be containing the parsed content of the modules GXModule.json.